
I just have to add that the short gif there makes them both look like something from Star Citizen.

I have no idea who she is but I like her already!

Is it just me or does it seem like (aside from Phelps) this Olympics is really focused around women? I love it!!

So are they in some skeeter-proof bunker somewhere or are those actual windows?

It will always be with me!

There was a vine of Aly just killing it on the floor and then they mentioned that the team nicknamed her “Grandma.” I just died!

Up here in the PNW some of us can get Candian tv. They were so, so much better during the Olympics in China. So far they’re just as good this time around.

Home of the Brave my ass! I just tried to move my stupid a/c unit and that 300lb fucker came right down on my big toe.


I apologize in advance but I just broke down and watchted Bojack.

Stephanie McMahon -> Boobs

PA to Ohio? You’re defintely one of the ones those pollsters covet!

I got caught (for some reason that word looks strange) on a shoplifting charge when I was a kid. It was at the peak of my “activities” as your average 15yroldwhitekid.

Let’s just hope that this kind of horrible treatment shall, in an ever-increasing fashion, become a thing of the past. We still have a very long way to go.

Somebody probably already mentioned it but Megan Kalmoe is badass!

This was the obvious choice —

I had another one but —

Elite Star Citizen: No Man’s Dangerous Sky

Big Bear Chase Me!

I remember stumbling across the LFL, or what-have-you, from maybe a month ago. That was some weird shit!