
Warren Beaty will soon be 're-evaluated' by the Parallax Corporation,

He probably thought the award was about him

Whew… now I can search Alexa Tomas fearlessly

And if the Red Sox win the World Series, it's free* (*some restrictions apply)

Scallop and bacon pizza are quite common here on Cape Cod as are pizza with lobster or clams

George, you can type this shit but you can't fly it

Seafood on pizza is actually really good, though highly dependent on the quality of the pizza shop to begin with

Iceland is a lot like America, you beat England once and you think you can rule the world

Well this sucks, and is really scary. My father is going through the onset of dementia.

I Am Curious (Orange)

Jar Jar Binks is…! The Day The Clown Cried

I liked Zima Gold

Unless it's on the Shabbat

We'd all be better off if he was substituted by a drunk Joan Crawford

Invocation Of My Demon Press Secretary

Sometimes, it CAN'T be two things

In Russia… Doing it live, Fucks you!

Only Count Baltar was rescued by the Lustitania

Bubblegum punting Slime Princess was great

Trump will soon ban the letter Z; it means: "He Lives"