We need Enrico Pallazzo now more than ever!
We need Enrico Pallazzo now more than ever!
Ironic; don’t you think?
Shark liver with a side order of Bo Derek’s leg
“Are you telling me that you bet on the fight in Rocky III, and that you bet against Rocky?”
No, the other one
Is this a poem?
Greatest use of “fuck” in a movie
I’ll always be wary of rollercoasters thanks to George Segal
Fun Fact: Art, Poetry, and Music were all medal events until the Olympics until 1948. They were stopped after the ‘48 Games not because they’re not sports, but because the competitors were professionals; which went against the amateurism of the Games at the time
Just wait until the legal teams find out about monkeys’ infinite amount of bad Hamlet fan fiction
Come and See
Where’d you get that beauty scar, tough guy, eating pineapple?
In the early 00’s the Swiss army was performing a training wargame in which one company took over a small Swiss town and another would attempt to liberate the town. The villagers, caught unaware, went along with the exercise. When they were finish the Swiss realized they had made a huge mistake, and had in fact…
I’ll have to check that out
At the 1912 Stockholm games marathon, Japanese runner Shizo Kanakuri for various reasons had to bail out of the race. He was officially listed as missing, despite competing in two more Olympic marathons. In the 1960s he finally finished the race with a time of 54 years, 8 months, 6 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes and 20.3…
Even the Royal House of Hanover had the wheel.
The opening scene of “Twilight Zone: The Movie” with Albert Brooks and Dan Aykroyd