Does this fix the issue where all of a sudden 100CP Pidgeys are consuming copious amounts of Pokeballs?
Does this fix the issue where all of a sudden 100CP Pidgeys are consuming copious amounts of Pokeballs?
I second the nomination for Betrayal at the House on the Hill. We’ve played it so many times in the last couple of years, but still haven’t seen all of the 50 scenarios that can be played out. One of my favorites.
The new Wii U Zelda is titled “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”
Same story withe 1080 Vs the 980 TI. Architecture and other improvements can make a bug difference, it’s not all just about the number of cores.
That Fire Rod was pretty sweet! I didn’t see that in the Treehouse demos. I can’t wait to rain fiery death upon those bokoblins!
I’d say to keep it that way. The other player wouldn’t load sometimes and stuttered much more (I have a crappy connection). Keep the YT option, please!
No news on Wii U backwards compatability (it would requre having a gamepad), but I’d imagine they will keep Amiibo support as it is a cash cow.
Good, because that is all Nintendo has to give you.
I’ve just started with Acorns and so far it is really nice. I’ve been running it for a month and it’s already got a good chunk of money in there and my checking account hasn’t suffered. I’m bad at saving and this does the work for me. Highly recommend.
My sister, Mother and I have an arrangement. My mom pays for Netflix, Sister pays for Hulu, and I buy Amazon Prime each year. We share the logins all around. Between the 3 services we have all the entertainment we need and only ~$10 per month each.
It sucks for those who pre-ordered, but I get it. The way I see it Best Buy, Amazon and Microsoft also pre-ordered it in large quantities, maybe even in advance of pre-orders offered to the masses.
How does this apply in this situation? Sterling already does not want to monetize the video. It is the claimants that have opposing views. For example, if an uploaded video triggers multiple Content ID infringements and one claimant’s policy says monetize, one says don’t, and another says to take down the video, who’s…
Have you seen Netflix, yet? John Stamos has invaded and I think it is hilarious. All the categories have been renamed. “Romantic Comedies liked by John Stamos” and the like.
For me, it’s always Ocarina of Time. So many good memories, and it got me through a hard part of my childhood. Whenever I get the flu or have a long weekend I’ll bust it out and enjoy some dungeons and a bit of fishing.
Double post. Kinja’d
When in Recovery mode open up terminal and type the command: resetpassword
What I don’t understand is why I can’t access Netflix or Hulu Plus. Why do those 2 apps need to use Xbox Live or authenticate with XBL in any way?
They already make such a thing. It’s called a Surface Pro.
I’ll second that. I’ve used the app for about 2 years now and have earned about $65 in Play Store credit. Usually it’s things like, “Have you recently visited any of these places?” When?
I figure I have location services turned on already. Maybe Google is trying to confirm how well they are tracking my movements.
While I’d like it on Lollipop it isn’t going to happen. Fingerprint auth APIs were added with Marshmallow which is what 1Password is probably using.