I just checked a different analyst and he said it could cost 500 dollars and the games could each cost the first peach of summer.
I just checked a different analyst and he said it could cost 500 dollars and the games could each cost the first peach of summer.
WB being unable to do a proper port? Where have I heard that before?
Why is this a slideshow?
This has gotta be one of the best timelines for the card. I was fully expecting it to be opened by some huge warehouse / re-seller / card store, only to be sold to some random anonymous NFT Bro.
Instead it was opened by a regular person, who is both a huge fan of MtG and Lotr. And it was sold to a collector who also…
Why the slide show? This whole article could have just been a picture of that chart.
As always, I’d like to take this occasion to update you on the progress of Luminescent Platinum, the Brilliant Diamond mod made by fans on a budget of exactly 0 dollars which has full 60fps (and faster, more fluid animations) even on actual Switch hardware, all 493 pokemon from gens 1-4 plus any evolutions or…
Brace yourself and check out Nintendo’s latest console. I think it’ll make your day.
I’m irrationally excited about this, because it might mean I can return to the Wii U days where I could instantly switch between TV and portable.
No. It is the Sony version of the Wii U’s Gamepad
This is awesome!
This is so incorrect. Cutting the grass in the fields the school owns in hateno village gave me about 20 rice in 5 mins.
We probably have very different definitions of Beautiful
I’d rather see Slytherin be redeemed than abolished. There’s some interesting things to examine there that I think would be more powerful than just getting rid of it.
Like any good Marvel movie, it’s no accident that we already know that the Mario movie will have a post-credits scene.
wild how i wrote this to specifically call out halo infinite then didnt even need to mention it by name
Maybe a computer-knower can tell me if I’m wrong, but does this maybe have something to do with the super fast data transfer from the SSD on the PS5? Like, the PS5 is pulling data straight from the disk at times & can get away with less RAM as a result, but because PC setups vary so wildly they’re suggesting you have…
No. It’s an archittectural difference, and you actually just mentioned a lot of the problem.
TLDR: Combined memory pool doesn’t need to recopy things, and console OSes are very lightweight and single-tasked.
PS5 and Xbox Series use a single pool of RAM for both the CPU and GPU. Once the CPU has made a call for an asset,…
Let the Inceneroar/Meowscarada forbidden romance slashfic COMMENCE!