
If we look weird it’s because it was 5,000 degrees in that damn venue

Pretty good show. But not enough bears. And the tendency to show the crowd during the best parts of videos was... unpleasant.


Fuck off. Custard destroys soft serve garbage. Tom Hanks gets it.

“The only real contender for a better summer dessert is hard ice cream. But you know what, regular ice cream is too cold and too solid.”

Deadspin stories in 2016 about bragging kayakers: 1

I think what he was trying to say is that Colin made it look easy for the eventual winner.

That kid is a terrible actor.

“Rarely do I feel patriotic. Actually, I mostly abhor patriotism because of how frequently it wraps itself around jingoism and brutality.”

Please don’t be a podcast. Please don’t be a podcast. Please don’t be a podcast.

12. Getting hit by a carbomb.

Fixed. Everyone told you NOT to buy an M62 car for this exact reason. NOW can you finally stop telling people who can’t afford an M5 to buy a car with the disaster of an engine that is a high-mile M62?

That’s still horseradish sauce.

not spending $8 on a now-obscure, difficult to deploy, and quick to spoil ingredient.

Awesome writing, Mr. P. Collins, really enjoyed this one. But...

My apologies. We’ve gotten a ton of pissy emails from people who misread that future Deadcasts will have Funbag supplements, and didn’t understand that the print Funbag will still exist.

Drew is 100% Correct.

I’d say this is better than nothing...but I don’t really think it is. Maybe the accidental humor of a computer interpreting speech will be more amusing than the original content. We can only hope.

We have a different idea of what constitutes good news.

“Where the hell’s this ‘Drew’ punk?”