They’ll probably add a double minor for cross-checking that causes an injury. If that rule existed, that’s what would have been called.
They’ll probably add a double minor for cross-checking that causes an injury. If that rule existed, that’s what would have been called.
There is no double minor for cross checking that causes an injury like there is for high sticking. If there was, it would totally have been called a double minor. But since it was a careless play away from the puck that caused an injury, refs gave him the major.
Fucking superbloom, fucking snapchat filters, pinche Machu Pichu, the goddamned wings. Also, if you say you’re funny, chances are you’re not.
Second paragraph is all truth.
Life long LA Kings fan. The only two signed Ducks jerseys I would flat our refuse would be Corey Perry and Dave Karpa, and I’d hope my future significant other would know this bit of trivium about me.
At least it wasn’t ‘96, right?
The Catholic Church has more money than God. They don’t need anyone’s help.
I actually bought a Kemonito mask at Olvera Street in Los Angeles. I’m such a mark.
“I should have done this a long time ago.”
Ahhh.. Tio Ho-ell.
LW 3 - The best advice I can give you is to delete her number right now. I just went though something similar myself, that’s the first thing I did. Sure you’re going to think about her all the time and wonder what the fuck went wrong, but I promise you that eventually you’ll stop thinking about her so often ( you…
I’m glad you forgot about the Bootyman
I would go with the former. And this topic gets thrown out all the time, but there are no solutions offered on HOW IT SHOULD BE FIXED!! If it’s “Just pay women more” then they would need to explain if a male administrative assistant should be paid the same as a female nuclear physicist.
Not trying to start an argument or be a jerk, but how much would dads make for their “second job” of being a dad after coming home from working a full work week and do dad stuff with their kids?
It seems this study is more about an “earnings gap” rather than a “wage gap”. If a person stays at home to raise kids, obviously they’re not making money via employment. They’re earning less money but for a quantifiable reason that has nothing to do with the big scary patriarchy suppressing their wages. This study…
Johnny Burns, is that you?
The $5 two bacon cheeseburger meal for me. I eat one burger and give the meal to my kid. Sometimes I sneak in a $1.50 nuggets and a Miller Lite from the fridge.
Don’t let your kids be jabronis and tell them to get their damn finger out of their nose.