Look up the metal band Manowar.
Look up the metal band Manowar.
This album came out the summer before my freshman year in college. I had to put up with listening to this during many makeout sessions, which seems weird now that I look back on it.
Also, my friends and I thought it was HILARIOUS that “You Oughta Know” might have been about ex-NHL tough guy Mike Peluso.
Also also, I…
Pope Thrower? Any relation to Bolt Thrower?
Why am I not surprised that the Elks were involved? I became a member last year, and I found out the Elks were all about drinking and gambling.
These people don’t need your money. They are already bought/sold.
Fire? They were transporting Lambos?
The whole team should have been suspended. All I know is that if one of my teammates was acting like this, he would have had the shit kicked out of him in plain view of everyone.
There is nothing wrong with these people. In fact, I envy them. Looking at birds is pretty fucking cool.
The Wizard wore a freaking turban of all things.
Squirt + Tequila + Lime = Paloma
Funny thing is that my brother ran into Nate Diaz once at a bar, and he said he was the nicest guy ever and took pictures with everyone.z
Like the kids are gonna eat it. My mom works at a school with something like 90% of the kids on free/reduced lunch, and they just throw it in the trash. But they do seem to bring Takis and Hot Cheetos to school.
First job was McDonalds. We had a lovable asshole co-worker who used to train people on the drive through. In the olden days, we had two buttons on the headset. One to communicate to the customer via drive through and one for internal conversations between employees (another employee would wear a headset so they could…
And here I long for the days where scrupulous individuals would actually pay the students/family to attend a particular school and not the other way around.
I would pay all the money for Jim Cornette to be Rhonda’s manager and mouthpiece. Jesus Almighty Christ that would be buys+++
I just think everyone should use the passive voice from now on.
This is worse than the poking/prodding before a slave auction!
Does he have brain damage from football? Or from all those years in Cleveland?
I hate that Netflix doesn’t release viewership numbers because I like knowing these things.