Right now I’m just learning to ride, man
But I’ll have a Harley someday
Right now I’m just learning to ride, man
But I’ll have a Harley someday
Isn’t physically impossible for a diesel pump to fill up a non-diesel vehicle?
Just traveled from Orange County to O’Hare, and I didn’t have pre check and my companion did. She bought our tickets together, and I was given it along with her. Maybe because we didn’t buy our seats separately?
I shop my local Mexican supermarket. They have an actual butcher and cheaper produce. And Oaxaca cheese. And meanwhile, the local Albertson’s is going out of business.
If by “alternative” you mean “terrible” and “uniformed”, you’d be correct!
“You” is both the 2nd person singular and plural. Why can’t “they” be treated just the same for the 3rd person?
Asked one of my English professors in college this question 20 years ago. His response: “If you know the rules of grammar, then you can break them.”
Belts: I bought two belts (black and brown) from a Mexican dude at the swap meet for $10/each 15 years ago and still have them.
No need for sarcasm. Oaxaca cheese is spectacular, especially on quesadillas.
You don’t need anyone else’s justification to do anything you want to do. If you look to others to validate your choices, you should just go commit some heinous crime and end up in jail so most of your choices are made for you, you jabroni.
Is this the farm where they MAKE enemas? Or the farm where they take enemas when they get too old?
$5.99 for a sixer is considered cheap? What world is this?
“I can also drink a lot. I can do this too.”
Crom smiles from his mountain.
I go to an AYCE taco Tuesday. $6 and you need to buy one alcoholic beverage (and they have $3 Pacificos and $5 Cazadores margaritas). Pastor, asada, carnitas, chicken AND grilled fish. And real honest-to-goodness Mexicans make them. It’s fucking heaven.
And I only smoke wax now and have a special pen for that. And eat…
Del Taco started doing this with their tomatoes and avocados recently. Kinda funny because it’s, well, DEL TACO!
I will say it dammit.. Forage, which is a fucking hilarious name for a restaurant. Should be a buffet!
You mean Governor Ventura.
I was hoping it ended with you marrying the dude.
Don’t you fucking savages own a toaster oven? It’s awesome for cooking nuggets, re-heating pizza and making a half-dozen weed cookies.
Ohhh!! Ahhh!!!
They should have had Mick Foley ref the HIAC match. If he stopped the goddamned match, then people would have respected the decision. Then have Foley cut an awesome promo saying he couldn’t let someone go though anything worse than he had.