Keva Rosenberg

I remember a couple of A&W’s here in Southern California and one in Cortland, NY. They had telephones at the tables where you would call in your order. Then a few summer’s ago, I went to one in the middle of Idaho. It wasn’t the same and they sold these weird lottery tickets out of one of those sticker vending

And the OP wasn’t being pedantic with his “Capitalism is bad, comrade” shtick?

It seems like people are missing the point. The OP blamed “capitalism”. Capitalism had nothing to do with the boss being shitty. Shitty bosses will be a part of any economic system dreamed up by man. Capitalism allows them to quit, and it seems like for them, the uncertainty of no job > working that shitty job. Would

There were repercussions: the employees quit. It’s a total pain in the ass to replace/train an employee, not to mention an entire store full. The restaurant isn’t making money right now. Those aren’trepercussions?

This is how capitalism is supposed to work.  They didn’t like their situation, so they quit to find something better. 


Nationalism based on Religion.

Just wanted to state the obvious.. Scorbunny is wearing a breathe-rite strip.

Elaine Benes would like to have a word with you..

I think I already subscribe to your newsletter.

I got mine from a family friend.  It was abandoned in one of his rental units.  I love the grater and meat grinding attachments that came with it.  One of these days I will make sausage with it.

Isn’t this a blatant case of over-serving? If they want to keep the tip, then everyone who served him should be fined and/or jailed.

Skip, we love you.

You don’t have to dislike Bernie Sanders to dislike Bernie Sanders.

If they don’t use the Dickies’ cover of the theme song, there will be bodies piling up!

That damn Tortorella is just engaging in a terrible stereotype. I’ve eaten Pakistani food many times and haven’t gotten the shits.

Now playing

I agree with Lewis Black and call it Moo Cow Fuck Milk:

Bless both of you.

I’ve been divorced so long that I don’t consider myself divorced.

130,000 PESOS cabron!