The cream RISES to the top! Not that bullshit “powdered, organic, coconut-based ‘superfood’ creamer”.
The cream RISES to the top! Not that bullshit “powdered, organic, coconut-based ‘superfood’ creamer”.
Obligatory vanilla bullshit thing
The Brain thought you were a Humanoid.
I think they reanimated Kerry von Erich and stuck him in QB because they ran out of other options.
You’re not even dipping a toe into the quagmire of trying to re-sell digital tickets and the roadblocks teams are putting up to discourage such action.. unless they get a cut of that sale as well.
Mmmmm.. Burritos
Work toilet paper has to be 80 grit and it chafes my bung something fierce. I’m about the biggest skinflint as they come, but the one thing I do splurge on is the TP. The soft kind that makes me wanna masturbate in a convenience store bathroom.
This jabroni makes Danny Davis look competent.
Manufacturing outrage is more lucrative in this country than manufacturing textiles.
Hanifan that fuckin’ narc..
I think the kid is much much better off not having this jabroni in her life.
The worst thing the Flyers could do was fire Hextall. It’s not like he was part of a successful rebuild or anything. The damn team needed to be patient.
Change Crown Royal to Four Roses Small Batch and you’re onto something.
US Goalkeeper Zack Stefonzski
Only So-Cal idiots like me will get that.
According to Jim Cornette, there was a reason why the french fries at the Sporatorium in Denton County, TX were so good. First, they never EVER changed the oil. Second, when they DID change the oil, there were a bunch of fossilized cooked rats in the vat.
Is that the methed-out Ross Dress For Less clearance-rack Ed Hardy version of Lou Adler?
Jabroni lettuce.
Imagine if there was a similar US law in 1956. The world probably been spared the shenanigans of one GG Allin. For the better or worse of society, is debatable.
Bumblebee tuna