There’s a Bob’s Big Boy in Norco aka “the Shithole”
There’s a Bob’s Big Boy in Norco aka “the Shithole”
Socal Native here as well. Only “chain” brands I am loyal to is Original Tommy’s and Norms. Their operating hours has the most to do with it, followed by the food.
Burgers are good, but the fries are a total shitshow. Disgusting.
The Mexican market by my house has a “Krab Salad” that consists of Krab, the occasional huge shrimp and what amounts to pico de gallo. Mix in some lime and some Sriracha and tortilla chips, and I’m in heaven
That crotch grab is one of the greatest ribs of all time, just slightly below the Condrey/Hickerson/Yamamoto double reverse rib, which also involved a penis.
Not nearly enough turtles.
Him and Sheik drew heat old country way.
The Vision?
Those Kings Hawaiian Sweet Rolls are awesome for sliders.
Was it his own vomit, or someone else’s?
It should be Spectrum or Casiopea. Holy hell that would be so epic.
All that’s missing is a scathing promo about “Jenny from Jacksonville” and a Larry Holmes dropkick off a car.
Never go to Southern California.
Always have a spotter, whether it be drinking or sexual misadventures like David Carradine.
+1 Kickin’ Chicken. I have fond memories of it getting me through the 2012 NHL Playoffs.
I’d rather die in space than die in the ocean. Die in Space: basically frozen to death. Die in the ocean: food for some leviathan. And if you die deep deep in the ocean, you’re crushed to death. At least in space, I’ll leave a beauteous corpse.
I want to know Iris’s take on this. Please get her on the Bat Phone!
Good Job Brother.
Waiting for the Iron Sheik to call him “Gene Screen”
SHHHHH!! You’re not supposed to bring that up!