Keva Rosenberg

I wouldn’t mind one of these fuckers:

This list is off the woodwork.

Go buy it. You’re husband is being an unreasonable jabroni.

He’s lucky Dennis Rodman was nowhere to be seen.

I hate the Grateful Dead with all my being, but that was pretty awesome of them to basically sponsor them.

All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.

Old Man Rosenberg is a crazy Euro who grew up in the low countries, and likes to put American cheese on a piece of toast with strawberry jelly.

I guessed as much. I just saw an opening to try to make a funny, but I ended up like Belzer in Scarface...

I’m allergic to them, and I put that in my profile to show how “quirky” I am.

Because it makes them sound like a basic bitch. If they used “duchess” or “vassal” I’d go instantly head over heels.

The Snapchat filter is going to be the mullet of the late 2010's.
Speaking from a dude who had a TREMENDOUS mullet in the late 80's -slash- early 90's.

Online dating is weird... just like me. Part of me doesn’t want to take it seriously, so my profile reflects it, but think it backfires for me. I mean, I’m pretty much a goofy bastard and that really comes though if someone were to come across my profile.

In that case, the flip-flop becomes a chancla.  

Serious inquiry: Would one rather have their “ass in the jackpot” or be given “the business”?

And tomorrow, he’ll just be another pinche chino.

Death to the Opposition!

+1 Moss-Covered Three-Handled Family Gredunza

So, was Orndorf wearing flip flops or not?