
not gonna lie, that sounds awesome; idgaf about story in any game Ive ever played, which is my attraction to bethesda rpgs, and FO4 was great, so yay for reskins of great games!

-5UTC, kotaku is based in NY, i.e eastern US time zone, it isnt mentioned because it doesnt matter, and can be assumed

In my state, college/university tuition is 100% covered by the state for any+all permanent residents; ofc not every state has that(although it is becoming more widespread), but the government will also cover the majority of the costs for low-income students (I’d be interested in what you’re actually talking about in

“I could only think about how nice it must be to ignore discrimination, homophobia and racism until it affects you personally.”

you shouldnt confuse most with loudest; its a common mistake

any that’s why the anti-sjw movement started; the ideals you/they stand for may be good, but the people rallying behind the flag? yeah, they’re still human, and as is incredibly common with humans, they tend to be fucking terrible at getting a point across without being a dick (you know, like sarcastically looking

yup, and that’s what hitler though as well, IT’S FOR THEIR OWN GOOD, JUSTICE IS ON OUR SIDE want to limit their freedom of expression, because you don’t like what they’re saying?

the psnow app on the ps4 does not cost to access, you can view all the games available on your ps4 (or through a browser as others have said), there are 4 generations of games available (although there are only a few psone games)...and reasonable price is debatable, psnow is $100/yr vs gamepass @ $120/yr (although

...already got a rerelease on ps4, really doubt itd be on this as well

its already available digital on the ps3 (like half the games everyone keeps talking about...), so I doubt theyd have any trouble with licensing

...but I still have my ps1, ps2 and ps3; all of which can still play all of my ps1 games just fine...but, yay for retro!

ninja...the guy from Die Antwoord? could see him playing games with Drake, but psure this isnt the same person

<3 the 'new' shader system, so often in D1 I'd have a really cool set of armor, then I'd try to apply a shader only to find out that my boots dye bright orange while the rest of my armor turned black; I was talking about this with a friend a while ago, turned out to dye my preferred set of hunter's gear

not that this isnt shitty, but I really do wonder, how often stuff like this actually does happen to white male players; if it happens to a black person it’s gonna get coverage because ‘racism’ if it happens to a female it’s gonna get coverage cuz ‘equality’. And I’m not tryin to say those arent valid concerns and

“As someone who games on a regular basis”

well, you’ve got a point, and I am making assumptions.

DA2 was not a stylistic sequel to DA:O, DA:I was not even kinda sorta close to either DA1 or DA2 in yeah, DA4 wont be either, but that isnt some new thing, each iteration has been drastically different, hell DA3 was a fucking open world busy work game; dunno why this anthem game is ‘the thing that kills

it isnt a single player rpg, wtf would you play through it again? the point of multiplayer loot games is know, get loot. Having a narrative and a story is cool, but c’mon, that’s not the fucking point and is no way a demerit for a game of that genre (because, again, anthem is NOT a single player rpg, ffs stop

I was going to type a rational argument, but youre an idiot, so I dont think youd understand rationale if it punched you in the face