the fundamentals have never changed though “shoot->loot /repeat”, the same kind of activities “strikes, crucible, raids”, the same ‘new’ content every expansion “higher LL, ‘new’ gear, ‘new’ locations”.
the fundamentals have never changed though “shoot->loot /repeat”, the same kind of activities “strikes, crucible, raids”, the same ‘new’ content every expansion “higher LL, ‘new’ gear, ‘new’ locations”.
logging in on/since friday for the first time gives you a video/banner notice “new vex-y things happening”, then auto-sends you to the tower with a hud marker directing the player to did anyone have any trouble at all finding this quest?
woooo, I tried playing this through jpn psn years ago...apparently my ping was too high to get into matches or something, go figure. If only I wasnt currently playing Destiny, guess I know what I’m playing in a couple weeks!
as others have pointed out, there are no major online game releases that are smooth; that being said, bungie’s servers were screwed for approx 2 hours.
lookin forward to when this is $10. Their other 2 games were fun if not great, but the short campaign, limited customization and frustrating gameplay aspects kill any replayability, so totally not worth >$20
yup, sounds like me every time a mech game is announced, “...maybe this time” ...most recent good one was what? AC3? maybe phantom crash?
go play Slave Zero?
it should be pointed out that “mech” is not a genre, so asking what is the best mech game depends entirely on what kind of game you want to play...that has mechs (I think it is normally implied that armored core-esque games are the ‘mech’ genre, but very few games that feature mechs would fall under that classification…
+1, still rockin my ego talon set on my warlock, best set in D2...that also means that I havent actually played my warlock since, I’m probably not one to comment; the titan gear always looks cool, so that’s what I play (cuz seriously, when has anyone ever thought that robes looked good?)
the only time music in a game annoys me, is when I can’t turn it off (yeah, I’m looking at you persona 5)
I lol’d
“switch exclusive”?! NOOOOO
what?! a new oddworld?1 I havent played one since abe’s abyss, but fuck yeah! <3 devs that make real games and still manage to be interesting/outside the box
punching faces > zapping faces; I applaud your decision
...if your hands are busy using the bow and arrow in skyrim, how do you move?
so I guess we’re not gonna get a NA release then...
don’t you mean: it’s okay To like evangelion? :p
FF: tactics advance; war of the lions is also great, but imo the pretentious story got in the way of enjoying the skill/class leveling system (which is the primary reason why I like FF:T). TA has a ridiculous FF style story, but is largely a skippable affair that doesnt force me to do anything’s also much…
to be fair, every single aspect of every single video game ever created is objectified; these are not real breathing people, they are fictional creations made very specifically for a reason, cloud is to be cool, tifa is to be sexy; are they both objectified? absolutely; is this something to be angry about? whatever…
...the art style is realistic, no one said a damn thing about the plot/setting/characters/etc being realistic; but hey, why not, there are stupid jrpg elements, therefore your argument about realistic art is wrong!