
One of the main differences I see here, besides the perception of sexual/social awkwardness, is that in a lot of these Korean photos the "manner hand" looks intentional. "Hover hand" usually looks very "so close yet so far" awkward when we see it in photos.

That response was better suited to a standalone blog entry, haha. But I mostly agree with your points. Bioware's particular brand of writing peaked years ago, and I understand it's not easy to keep doing high quality game drama over and over, even across different IPs.

When the robot uprising happens, these will be the ones chasing us.

Play all of these games and love them, but I'm sad to see some of my favorites didn't make it. Not surprised, though — some of them are showing their age.

Dragon Age: Origins was the game that made me have faith in Bioware again. DA2, on the other hand... ugh

Safety concerns in the US as well, you'd probably have to set up checkpoints to make sure people don't bring live weapons in (actually a standard precaution with any kind of Force-On-Force training with airsoft or paint rounds). I just know some crazy asshole would try.

riaru ('real') is one of those shortened Japanese loanwords for "reality".

I've been exploring with a couple of friends over the past week. It gets ridiculously scary/difficult when you go off ranging into unknown areas on your own, but getting out of situations like that is part of the fun!

A real gamer owns and plays on all of the platforms.

You know, to me it wasn't that creepy or even that... brony-y...

A brave and insightful piece. Solid journalism and a good read. Thanks!

Ordered 2 and they were both cancelled by Best Buy an hour later. Oh well.

I'm pretty sure any game Sterling Archer is in would be pushing themes completely opposite of women's empowerment.

It's more like 1980s/1990s otaku, meaning giant robot nerds.

Yeah, mecha/super robot otaku are like, 80s/90s otaku. These days it's all about the moe, aka キモオタク

Remind me to be offended any time non-English or non-white (except Othello and a few others) actors attempt to put on a Shakespeare performance.

The source Excite article is a pretty interesting read.

That read more like "this console hardware debate is pointless because ours is clearly better!"

I feel that "Best Downloadable" is long obsolete as a distinct category, thanks to the proliferation of digital distribution on all current-gen platforms. Still, it's a chance for smaller studio titles like Transistor to get some attention.

Still ineligible. The title has to be playable by the judges.