
I know man! I can't believe they didn't charge me money for this, what a bunch of assholes!

That article is written for pure entertainment value. If T. gondii were viable in humans on any significant scale, we'd all be zombies already. For behavioral, environmental, biological, and a whole bunch of other reasons, it isn't.

The pamphlets are cool. This whole zombie apocalypse thing is a joke and a fun PR opportunity, but one of the CDC's biggest missions is public health education, and this could be one way to do that.

The game is pretty good. This article is not about your "two seasons of whining bitches."

No. In addition to the strategic PR reasons other commenters mentioned, the Apple event was mentioned in Justin Maxwell's tweet. It's right there. Read the article.

You know who doesn't think this is too expensive? People who always buy Apple products.

That's not how Kickstarter works. None of the fancy rewards happen unless it gets funded.

Who cares? You want to talk about whitewashing, look at Last Airbender. Not that it would have saved the movie either way.

A lot of the stuff in the $400 bundle is cool.

A better response would have been:

I don't... what? These are all major multiplatform publishers. With the exception of UbiDRM these issues apply to consoles too.


Thanks for all the shoplifting legal advice!

Having never been to a Catholic mass before, I'm not surprised the secular Jewish boyfriend doesn't know this: if you're unbaptized or not Catholic, you can simply cross your arms over your chest when in the Communion line, and the priest will bless you instead of giving you the wafer. Plenty of people do it all the

Good service = tip. Incredible service = 20% tip.

Yep. It's like shareware that never stops being shareware.

I know hardcore fans of old games (myself included) get very alarmed when developers take an old IP and aim to make it "for everyone", but from what I've played, I think Firaxis struck the right balance between complexity and accessibility. I do miss the deeper Geoscape metagame of old X-COM (which I'm waiting on

Long term I think people will keep playing games or doing whatever it is that kills time on Facebook, but it doesn't appear the microtransaction model is working out as well as expected revenue-wise.

Oh I see what you mean. Thing is, I read Kotaku articles that pop up on Twitter and FB, and the NSFW tag doesn't show up in those feeds.

I still like it. I never owned an XBox and it was just a cool story shooter to me, so I'm still curious about the fiction. I never cared for the multiplayer after Halo Custom Edition on the PC.