Uh oh, someone who doesn't think before they type. It's not that Kotaku readers can't handle them, it's employers and random people walking by at work!
Uh oh, someone who doesn't think before they type. It's not that Kotaku readers can't handle them, it's employers and random people walking by at work!
The latest Windows Phones are actually decent devices, especially since they're heavily subsidized if you buy with contract. I just can't see myself getting one when the software and community support for iOS and Android are so much bigger.
Been using a TWC plan for about 10 years now. I wish I could cancel cable and get fiber optic internet, but it's packaged in several local homeowners' association fee - I would still be paying for it even if I used something else. They have a near monopoly in the neighborhoods around here, for that reason.
Good points, but I don't think they're exclusive to RPGs. Aspects of a game like UI, sound direction, and music that don't directly affect gameplay can have a subtle (or not-so-subtle) effect on your enjoyment of the game. It's part of that nebulous concept of "polish" that comes from inter-dept communication,…
Well, I hope I'm right. It's a species I studied not too long ago in microbiology.
I know, and I have done so. But when I try to start Steam with no internet connection on a couple of my computers, it that Offline Mode isn't available because my Steam login information hasn't been saved, even though I had those options checked when I used it in online mode. So I give up. Not a huge problem but it…
Okay, I have to call you out on this one. Streptococcus mitis is a mesophile that's found in the warm and wet human mouth - there is virtually no chance it could've survived for 3 years on the moon as it's not an endospore forming species. Subsequent investigations into these claims found that it was much more likely…
If only the US Congress would enforce plussing in their sessions...
I was about to ask about game consoles.
For me, it's one of the best things that's ever happened to video gaming. Sorry you had bad experiences.
I got a kick out of the "Gameplay" header. ^^
If he bought the phone, why does it matter? It makes no difference to Apple employees whether one uses it or shoots it. People are still getting paid for making the phone.
Way to apply your shitty standards to a place you've never even been to. I can tell you from experience that fast food chains that are known to suck here (McDonald's is probably the worst) in the USA are much better in Hong Kong and Japan. Advertising is still food stylist work, but the actual product is surprisingly…
I know it's just an expansion for the most well-established MMO in the world, but it's still cool to see that a smooth MMO game launch is indeed possible. Not gonna make me drop GW2, though.
The islands are only part of the picture. I can tell you from experience that enmity towards Japan for WW2 is still around in China, in addition to bitterness over being carved up by foreign powers during the turn of the century. Maybe not so much for the younger, more materialistic generations, but there are a lot of…
Out of curiosity... what were the other three?
So I guess the next step would be to put an SSD in a HDD enclosure?
"Hell, he went on record to say that the Krogan and Quarian/Geth portions of ME3 were bad because you could get a happy ending for the characters involved. He's not a good influence on any series he works on, especially when he's in charge."
Except they weren't concentration camps in the same sense that Nazi death camps were. The government was scared Japanese-Americans would be used for sabotage and espionage by Imperial Japan, so they rounded them up first to keep an eye on them.
Heh. In preparation for B2, I went back and finished up my Playthrough 2 of Borderlands the day before the sequel released... and at the very end I clearly saw the Hyperion logo on You-Know-Who's hardware. Some serious foreshadowing.