
From experience in Hong Kong and China, BitTorrent is not the big thing in China that is is here in the US, largely because obvious mediums for distributing copyright-infringing content that would be heavily policed in the US (like openly selling pirated DVDs, or uploading full movies to YouTube) are rampant over

The pinnacle of accurate and objective journalism, as usual.

Then I guess they've gone full retard. 13,440 yen. The overseas price is never 1:1 anymore because the yen has appreciated so much (or the dollar has depreciated), but if it were that's over $170.

Just let DICE make this one. Flyable dragons. Peasant hovel destruction. I like it.

Hey, a quality D2-style game and more Torchlight? A-OK in my book.

Hopefully all this new hardware hitting this holiday season will drive down the cost of some third-party Wii peripherals I've been wanting to pick up, like the Nyko Perfect Shot.

Based on North American pricing adjustments, I'm guessing $50 or so, then? Sounds about normal.

More important questions are what will be packaged in the SKU (hopefully a tablet controller), and the cost of peripherals. That new controller looks like it'll be at least $100.

Video isn't working for me, even when opened on YouTube. "This video is private."

Someone needs to explain to this artist that the concept doesn't work when the brand you're trying to hide is imprinted on the object in 3D...

Reading incomprehension!

Oh, I wasn't really referring to you, just religion-motivated conflict in general, though I can see why you might've read it that way.

Good or bad, doesn't matter. The reality is that there are billions of religious people in the world and nothing is going to change that anytime soon. Most of these people use religion as a moral and cultural signpost in their lives and they don't go around bombing and killing people. I would say that religion has a

I don't own any Apple products aside from a dusty old Nano, but I've always wanted an iPhone just to have one, even if it doesn't offer any worthwhile benefit over my HTC Rezound (which I like very much, thank you). The fit and finish on Apple's products is just impressive, and this latest iPhone hasn't changed that.

I got a notification the other day that someone was trying to log into my account from PAKISTAN. I freaked and changed to a random, strong password that I know I'm gonna forget soon -__-

I see your replyers mentioning ways to ease into the learning curve (4th edition is pretty easy to learn and videogame-y). However, 90% of your enjoyment is going to depend on your group. It's best when everyone is new, or you join a group that consists of normal non-basement dwelling people.

I remember reading an interview where the staff said there was supposed to be even MORE of it. They toned it down for the final game. What I meant is that it's interesting to see what made it in (game), and what did not (concept art).

I like your QA one. And here's one you'll actually never hear no matter how true it is:

Hmm. I guess I sort of agree on the Kaoru casting bit. She's definitely supposed to be beautiful, but athletic and "rough around the edges" since she was raised to take over the sword school. The problem I have with this one, and many other similar characters cast in live-action adaptations, is that Japan just uses

Aww, that's nice. He isn't resentful.