
“But don’t attack the people who agree with you just because they’re the only ones...”

“Millennial heavy and poor minority districts. That is why those areas underperform.”

“Friendly fire won’t solve anything, and generational resentment festers.”

Sorry, you are painting much too broad a brush there. I do not believe that turnout is/was as low as it is, particularly among millenials, the vast majority of whom have the physical, mental and financial means to vote, because their life is just so demanding that they can’t spare either the few hours on the one day

“Ultimately, the center and left have let themselves get divided so much we’ve made it possible for a much smaller group on the right to take control.”

“for every millennial that has to work and isnt able to go to vote there should be a law banning a worthless senior from voting”

“Particularly if these self same millennials will stand in line all night for concert tickets or the new iphone.”

“I’ve mentioned this before, but there is a longstanding tradition in this country of shouting loudly that “voting is a privilege”. It isn’t. Voting is a right...”

“I mean, what could we possibly have to be disillusioned about?”

“It’s not about valid reasons: It’s about making things more difficult on the margins.”

“Sure, it’s definitely that...”

“ If they’re so lazy and stupid then why did you raise them to be so lazy and stupid?”

“God, shut the fuck up.”

“The one reason: These ‘leaders’ aren’t worth voting for.”

“Except when they don’t know they were purged from the voting rolls by interstate crosscheck is a valid excuse. Michigan alone had 449,000 people purged from voter rolls in 2016 election...”

“Every time I hear someone bitch about millenials the only thing I can think is that the previous generation raised them so maybe you should blame them for being shitty parents.”

“Pretty much every single article I’ve ever read that whines about how “no one votes these days” completely fails to mention that this is the desired outcome of decades of legislation specifically designed to make voting inconvenient and expensive. Nope, it’s just those damn lazy Millennials!!!!”

“Its acidic qualities can damage teeth, hurt throats, upsets stomachs and lower potassium levels.”

“Considerably more than this. Considering they’re literally enabling repeated traumatic brain injuries with no significant concern for what that does to a human, this is chump change.”

“In some things, a dog is cleaner than a cat. They don’t walk and dig in their poop box, then walk on the kitchen counter & table.”