
Just in terms of practical anecdotal suggestions based on a sample size of two (me and my wife), I like medium-sized servings of complex carbs 60-90 minutes beforehand. Favorites are a bowl of oatmeal with some chopped up pieces of apple in it, baked potato with a very little bit of cheese on top, a couple pieces of

“From a science standpoint, this is unreliable data. Moreover, the cause is in doubt. Was it cutting out sugar and animal products the fix or was increasing my fruit/veggie/unprocessed foods intake the fix? If I were to guess, it’s probably a combination.”

“Guess what genius I never said PED. I said drugs, and every athlete is on copious DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS...”

“And every single professional athlete is a walking toxic avenger pumped full of drugs....”

“One week on fast food and sweets and I’m ready to jump off a bridge. Takes about 3 days to recover. It’s not a big deal now that I know why it happens, but it took 3 decades and one suicide attempt to figure it out...”

“...but they are also the ones constantly trying to limit the use of firearms when firearms have been around forever...”

Wait — what? I thought everyone who talked about how cloud backup services were rock solid and the best way to go said that there was nothing to worry about?? But now it looks like there’s something to worry about? How can that be? I’M SO CONFUSED!!!! /s

“Might I recommend this next time then?:”

Just go with it. The dirt/bacteria/pet dander makes the kids grow up stronger than the cleaning products do.

“I never went to college and make six figures (and make more than my colleagues that did), so repeating the myth that going to college = more money needs to stop.”

“... it is quite possible that “staying home” has positively impacted the earnings (as well as the quality of life) of our children for the rest of their lives.”

“Everything White People Think About Affirmative Action Is Wrong”

“Everything White People Think About Affirmative Action Is Wrong”

“...if I leave you in a room alone with my kid you by default become the immediate babysitter without me having to ask’ card.”

“So, yes to your comment if that’s what the kid enjoys but if they don’t, it may have the opposite of the intended affect.”

Great post! Thank you, Kristin. Just curious, but in your research did you come to favor a particular state’s 529 over the others? I live in Cali, but it’s a lot to sift through the different state offerings.

One word: athletics.

“The first time meditation and mindfulness really clicked for me was when someone said “it’s not in never wandering that you meditate, it’s the moment you realize it and bring it back. That is mindfulness.”

“They weren’t receptive at first. Like I said, it took about 6 months to gain any sensible control. Then I had to remind them, because it’s so easy to slip back into perpetual panic. Whatever your job is, it sounds like it costs you almost as much as it pays.”

“I also asked that they allow at least 30 minutes for a response, then and hour, then, to trust that I was doing my job and would get back to them in due course.”