
I think you’re underestimating these people. Just because they’re bitching about this doesn’t mean they AREN’T doing other things to diversify their rev streams and protect their income. This is just people bitching, like you do or I do or whatever. People bitch. It doesn’t mean that’s all they’re doing.

“Also: it doesn’t surprise me for a second that someone like you considers yourself a ‘creator.’”

“So if YouTube is such an awful company, such an unreliable platform for consistent video, why do you continue to do business with them?”

Cecilia, thank you for posting this! Please keep covering YouTube and Google b2b stuff like this because it does matter to ppl who work in the industry.

“You mean your personal well-being is completely dependent upon a huge company over which you exert zero personal control?”

“Why is it so hard for these creators to believe they have countless spam/bot ‘subscribers’?”

I don’t think that’s a fair or reasonable analysis. YouTubers, for lack of a better word, invest countless hours into building their business and tying it to a single platform (YouTube), which is exactly what YouTube wants, and many creators (I’m one of them) also work closely with YouTube behind the scenes. We have

This is absolutely happening. I work with a channel with about 40,000 subs, and suddenly, pretty much out of the blue over the past two weeks, subs started dropping by 40-50 subs after each new video, and this had NEVER happened before. Not in 3-4 years. Generally, the more you post, the more subs you gain. It’s

All the “hahahaha!” and “lol’s” don’t change anything, dude. ;) You’re still a loser who can’t pay his bills.

Ha! You didn’t win shit. Your life sucks just as much as it did 3 weeks ago and you know it. ;)

So did you. You’re just too stupid to recognize it. :)

Polls? Like the polls were so accurate in this election? Blah, blah, blah. We lost because shit turnout on the left. Period. It’s that simple. If a few more lazy ass idealists had used their fucking right to vote, Trump would have lost. Progressives would have owned the high court for the next 20-30 years and

“A GOOD candidate would’ve been landsliding him.”

“And taking Florida, she would have won? I think you need to redo the math. 306 minus 232 is 74, which greater than 29, the number of electoral votes Florida is worth. Congrats on your failure to use math.”

“If that doesn’t make you happy, either quit bitching or you can go vote third party instead.”

Didn’t even try, he says... Never mind that she tried so hard that she got seriously ill.

“near DNC for the foreseeable future. About the only good thing to come out of all this, I’d say.”

“She barely fucking tried.”

Holy shit! I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I had no idea it had gone to shit! Wow, I wish some smug asshole in Canada who still thinks it’s OK to use the word “retard” had told me because I love it here...

That is so much bullshit. :) If you have to tell yourself that to live with your fucking useless protest vote as Donald Trump dismantles progressive causes and endangers the free world for the next 4-8 years, I feel sorry for you.