
Seriously, how is someone who was too fucking lazy to get off their fucking ass and fill in a little bubble next to the name of the only person on Nov. 8 who could have stopped Donald Trump the DNC’s fault???

At least you had the basic human decency to do the right thing and voted for her. Donald Trump was entirely preventable on Nov. 8. So-called progressives who chose to vote for someone other than Hillary, or chose to not vote at all, not only disregarded the pleading of Obama and every former living president, but the

Honestly, is anyone surprised? Trump hasn’t even been inaugurated yet. This is just the appetizer to the main course.

LOL. Wake the fuck up he says. Yeah, allow me to introduce you to your new president, Donald Trump, and a 20-year setback to progressive causes.

“I fucking hate this line of argument...”

All a bunch of bullshit excuses. The mentality that a vote doesn’t matter because you live in “a blue state” — that shit is toxic. That shit spreads. You SHOULD have campaigned hard for Hillary after the primaries and tried to get others in states everywhere to vote for her — just like Bernie Sanders did — knowing

“What if i didn’t check Donald J. Trump on my ballot? Did i still vote for him?”

“Had they given us Bernie, he would’ve had my vote (and many of my friends/family vote) and won handily over Trump. We’d be sitting here in Bernie land which I think a majority of American’s could tolerate the taste of.”

“The problem is shitholes like CNN aren’t holding him accountable...”

“To me, this is the most alarming issue of anything he has done or has promised to do so far because all other issues will stem from it.”


“There’s going to be a much bigger purge of this when there’s no wall built, no jobs brought back, no ban on Muslims and all the other pipe dream policies Trump built his campaign on.”

Scared people will do almost anything. Internment will seem perfectly fair and reasonable to at least 1/2 of all Americans if we suffer a significant attack or feel that a serious one is imminent.

This is the new normal now — a constant state of justifiable outrage.


So he came around WELL before the election and became one of Trump’s most outspoken critics. What’s your point?

You’ll never convince a 70-year-old slightly conservative Democrat to vote for a socialist, for instance. And it just so happens that a few million of them live in Florida.

By “they” I’m referring to the reasonable people in the middle — the people who are willing to compromise and are more often than not educated and literate.

Nope. Sorry. We’re doomed if we abandon the middle. For what you think we’d gain at the edges we’d more than make up for in losing votes around the middle. Many seniors, left-leaning conservatives, right-leaning Latinos, true centrists — they aren’t going to vote for an extremist candidate.  

The $1 million loan wasn’t even all of it. Trump admitted in a 2007 deposition that he borrowed at least $9 million from his future inheritance when he encountered financial difficulties, and we still have absolutely no idea how much he’s actually worth because of the hidden tax returns.