
Yeah...I don’t think everyone who disagrees with me is wrong, but anyone who didn’t vote for Hillary obviously did help Trump win. That’s an indisputable fact. It’s not just my opinion. We hold elections, people vote. The winner gets more votes than the loser. Duh, right?

Well, sometimes 2 + 2 = 4. Trump won because not enough people voted for Hillary. Do you dispute that?

If you didn’t vote for Hillary, you’re one of the reasons Trump will be president. That is not in dispute.

No, it was simple. Trump ran on hate. Hate always gets people fired up. Always has. And then too many people on the left couldn’t see past their dislike for Hillary to vote for her, and so the hateful guy won.


It’s not that complicated. You’re trying too hard to rationalize a simple election. Trump is our next president because 1-2% more people in the battleground states voted for someone other than Hillary. Period. That’s it. It’s not more mysterious or philosophical than that. Stop trying to lay blame somewhere other than

Bullshit. The Democratic Party didn’t do this. Voters did. I blame anyone who didn’t vote for Hillary. Period. People had a choice. Too many chose wrong. Welcome to democracy.

“Bernie would have won.”

Bullshit. He won because he inspired through hate. Exactly. Like. Hitler did in the early 1930s.

“Donald Trump Is The Leader America Was Warned About”

Here here.

Does that 57.1 million figure include the idealistic fucks who “stood on principle” by either not voting or voting third party?? Because this is their shame too, and they will never live it down.

And don’t you dare forget the idealistic fucks who either didn’t vote or voted third party. This is their lifelong shame too.

Thanks to GW Bush’s changes to the bankruptcy laws in 2005, bankruptcy is WAY less of a viable option for most people. Now, if your current monthly income is above the median income in your state, and you can afford to pay $100 per month toward paying off your debt, you can’t file under Chapter 7 and must proceed

Then you’d be wrong. I haven’t pulled up that site in literally years.

So the space program isn’t money spent wisely? Or Social Security? Or national parks and wildlife preservation? The FDA? Medicare? The National Guard? The interstate highway system?

Hey, buddy, could you do me a favor and kick that can down the road?

Gosh, I hope not. That’s exactly what we need our government to do — spend the public funds wisely.

“I didn’t realize BleachBit was around in 1943.”

“It has even been reported, although apparently without historical documentation...”