I’m confused. How do we know it won’t be a big seller before it’s been released?
I’m confused. How do we know it won’t be a big seller before it’s been released?
Who said anything about overnight?? But this is > 3,000 overnights. After all this time and their massive resources of literally billions of dollars, they’re changing leadership on the team? That says they aren’t anywhere remotely close to having a finished product. For all we know they’re another 10 years away, if…
10 years though...
Sorry, 10 years is a long time for a multibillion-dollar company with tens of thousands of employees and no tangible, marketable automotive product to show for it.
Would you be willing to pay $5-10/month to read the site without ads?
I run a successful business, dipshit, and I have for years. You clearly don’t understand the first fucking thing about business. Amazon failed to turn a net profit for years, but they were always growing revenue at a fast rate and cash flow positive. Their operating cash flow was steady the entire time, and they were…
This is fucking ridiculous. How’s a cop supposed to tell if someone is some wack-job intending to walk up and kill them? Newsflash: cops are not regular civilians. As long as they aren’t getting into accidents and are doing their job, which 99.9% of them are, they can speed on the job. They are literally trained for…
OK...so I’m stupid now because I don’t drink the Tesla Kool-Aid? Stupid is consistently defending a company that’s lost money 13 quarters in a row. Billions of dollars over 3 years. Sure, they might still succeed, maybe, but losing money is how you gauge whether a company is doing well or not.
Yes, really. You do realize that every one of the literally thousands of companies that goes out of business every year doesn’t make a profit because they’re spending too much money along the way thinking that they’re trying to gain marketshare and mindshare, right? The big auto makers sell literally thousands of…
“they are a company with a mission”
“at least they have conviction”
What a crock of shit. Tesla isn’t the Red Cross. They care about money. That’s the point. Musk didn’t start PayPal as part of some master plan to eventually start Tesla to then get rid of gas-burning cars. He’s always in business to make money.
Riiiiiight. Tesla can say they aren’t intensely concerned with turning a profit, but that doesn’t make it true. Of course they are. They’re just saying what they think their target customers want to hear — that they’re all about zero emissions, breaking the oil company stranglehold, blah, blah, blah.
You know, more words doesn’t equate to a more valid opinion. ;) Needless to say, I disagree with all of your conclusions. I think this is a crucial time for Apple. They’re in the midst of a year-over-year decline in sales of all of their major product categories, and you have to know that the reason isn’t market…
The league slapped Rice on the wrist based on the allegation. It escalated his punishment as more details of the incident emerged, thereby insulated the league from a lawsuit.
Again, it’s $$$$. The difference is legal. Before a trial, the league has to be careful how it responds in domestic violence issues because one event is based on a drug test the league controls, where the violation is crystal clear, and the other is based on allegations until a plea deal or a trial. If the league…
Bullshit. The comish cares about the league’s image because image = $$$. That’s the only reason.
I know people with the card, and I am totally disappointed and amazed by how effing ignorant the people who run most medical marijuana clinics are.
It’s all about $$$. The NFL is a heavily scrutinized multibillion-dollar business. If they allow it, it’ll be seen as tacit support for something that’s still illegal at the federal level.
Fucked up...but they get paid literally millions of dollars for it. There are worse jobs out there to have.