
There are 6 million companies in America. Amazon is one of them. Just because Amazon appears to have finally succeeded after a decade of losses and occasionally marginally profitable quarters doesn’t mean that it now makes perfect sense from a business standpoint to continually lose money.

Uh...spending billions is the same as losing billions in this case. It’s about cash flow and balance sheets. According to general accounting principles, Tesla is losing billions. Period. Whether their investments in growth pay off in the long run is a different question, but it’s an act of faith that they will.

Every one of the thousands of businesses that go out of business every year go under because they spend more money than they make.

Right, Toyota lost money on the Prius — but they didn’t lose money as a company. There’s a BIG difference between Tesla, which has steadily lost money as a company, and Toyata, which is steadily profitable.

Among the many things Musk is and isn’t, though, he also isn’t infallible. Tesla has lost money for 12 consecutive quarters — that’s 3 straight years without turning a profit. They’ve lost literally billions, despite Musk repeatedly painting rosy pictures.

The mileage is nice to see, though. Day will come when cars with 10-gallon tanks will be able to go 1,000 miles or more on a single tank of gas. People will fill up once a month.

“...people flipping suck at driving.”

Even with their stock market drop, their economy (GDP) grew by 6.9% last year. Ours grew 2.4%. I think they’re doing fine.

Plus, China is economically growing faster than the US and has been for decades. In 10 years they’ll even be able to outspend us militarily.

Every time I hear things like “within 1 week” in military circles I can’t help but remember Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney predicting the Iraq war would take weeks, not even months.

Oh, look! An anti-government article. I know, we should do away with all automotive regulation and just trust car companies like VW.

There’s absolutely a semantic distinction, but I feel that the lines have blurred in practice. People are frequently inferring that other people are acting “racist” all over the place whenever the issue of race comes up. It’s common practice on social media.

I don’t think there’s much of a distinction anymore. All I know is that race, as far as I see, has definitely become a bigger issue since Obama became president.

No. First of all, there aren’t many black local people living in Hawaii at all. In fact, in many local areas, there aren’t many white people either. I was the only Caucasian kid in my first grade class, and again, I was never called haole in my life. My family is mixed Portuguese, Hawaiian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese

Maybe it’s because I live in a diverse, left-leaning state now (California) or because I’m from the most diverse, integrated state in America (Hawaii), or because I’m ethnically Caucasian and therefore subject to “white privilege,” but the increase in racism I have personally witnessed lately is primarily reverse

Mo, try visiting Hawaii if you get the chance. I’m from there, and growing up race was never an issue, not for any group. I’m Caucasian by ethnicity but considered local because my family has been there for generations, and I never experienced any racism despite being a minority there. My family is also very mixed and

No way. Racism and race as a general issue are absolutely trending UP here. A person can’t even use the word “race” on Twitter without unleashing a backlash from some group or another.


OK, words like “curious” and “Black” and “simply pointing out...” These are loaded words. Seriously, what good what it do for us to continue a dialogue when you’ve already made up your mind about me and what I’m capable of perceiving? This happens all the time nowadays, especially online, because race is so

I’ll tell you what — you can kiss my @ss, because you don’t get to say that I’m just clueless or ignorant because of the color of my skin. As far as I’m concerned, You, and that’s “You” with a capital “Y,” are a racist, because you have prejudged me and my wife. You don’t know what her background is, my background —