
Just as another person who’s traveled around parts of Spain (primarily central and northeastern Spain), I’ve been with my wife who’s a dark-skinned Pacific Islander, and all I can say is that we never even caught a whiff of racism of any kind. Everyone was gracious and friendly to both of us the whole time, and we

Jeez, I bet that was an awesome experience. A buddy of mine did something similar back in the day. You were in high school at the time. Misunderstandings are pretty common among people that age, regardless of nationality.

Um...are there any countries that DON’T have neo-Nazis??

Yeah, my wife (then my girlfriend) and I spent three weeks in Europe in 2005 right during the height of the Iraq war and Bush’s disastrous administration, and this was not our experience at all. We spent time backpacking all over Spain, France, Portugal and the U.K., and not once did we ever experience any bitterness,

Absolutely. A lot of candidates are kinda ridiculously full of themselves and DRAMATICALLY overestimate their own worth. I’ve been on both sides of the interview table many times, and the last thing I want to hear when I’m interviewing someone is them b*tch and moan about their current employer. It actually says more

There are TONS of benefits to self-driving cars...none of which will expedite their mainstream arrival on our highways and roads.

Google loves to tease out these little nerd tidbits, don’t they? How ‘bout they actually finish rolling out Google Fiber nationwide, or for that matter, actually get driverless cars past the beta testing stages into the hands of a few hundred thousand consumers first?

Here’s what I got out of these stories: a big no sh*t. I love being a man, but in general, I hate men. My gender is simultaneously wonderful and atrocious, and I completely understand and accept why we are sometimes territorial, possessive, often jealous and insecure.

I’m so confused... I thought it was because Star Wars is a movie, and it was made 40 years ago.

It has to be taken in the context of the years right before it. The S&P gained about 100% over the five years between 2010-2014, so it’s understandable that there’d have to be a leveling off sooner or later to get us closer to that 7% average annual return. A 0% annual return after the string of double-digit returns

The S&P dropped about 37% in 2008. Every year since has been an up year, or thereabouts, including 2015, which ended about even.

Hogwash. A few people got lucky and are now claiming to have insight. That’s 20/20 hindsight snake oil.

Right, but historically the market fluctuates. Every year. Average annualized returns are 7%, and that’s achieved by typically alternating up years and down years. The three-year trend is positive. The five-year trend is positive.

To say that the majority of financial professionals, as well as regular investors, were incompetent is a silly oversimplification of what really happened. Almost E V E R Y O N E lost money during ‘08 and ‘09, even savvy, experienced investors. Even the gurus. Even people who were well familiar with short selling.

“Likely” and “actually” are two different things. The entire financial sector shrank at a historic rate during 2008 and 2009. Thousands of brokers left the industry entirely, and very, very few people working in finance, in any capacity, made any money at all. Most lost their shirts.

I don’t think anyone who knows anything about economics or the stock market equates what we’re seeing now on the market, which mirrors a typical minor correction, to what happened to the market in 2008. Look at a historical chart, for crying out loud. In 2008/2009, the market slowed down. 2015 was just “a pretty good” year. The economy is fundamentally an order of magnitude better than it was in early 2008 at the end of the last administration. The chances of us entering a recession before November are slim to none.

Except that almost everyone makes money when the market and the economy are doing well, like they have been for the past few years. The real question is who made money in 2008 and 2009, and what were they doing?