
The shitty teachers are protected by their union. The DOE has nothing to do with that.

I don’t know of any libertarians anywhere that favor no government and 100% outsourcing. Either stop saying silly things or, if you’re serious, go out and learn about the world.

I always wondered what society would be like when the “participation trophy” generation entered the real world. How would they react to the fact that the world doesn’t revolve around them and things always go their way?

Now playing

I am a libertarian and voted for Gary Johnson.

You are confused. It’s the left that builds camps for citizens. FDR started it.

Yep, it’s Gizmodo tears.

LaGuardia is shit. Just because Trump says it’s shit, doesn’t all of a sudden make it not shit.

Can you guys please get back to being a tech blog and stop whining about social issues?

How the fuck is it the issue of the State to teach sex-ed? How about you fucking parent your offspring. Fucking pawn statist.

Not here to debate Trump. What I have learned is that supporters don’t take him literally, but take him seriously. The opposition takes him literally, but don’t take him seriously.

[whoops. Replying to oneself is dumb]

So you are proposing eugenics? I suppose you’re in favor of that too. That’s some wonderful Nazi retoric. It seems you only favor equal opportunity if its convenient for you.

Here’s a mind-blower for you: pro-choice does not necessarily mean pro-abortion.

Trump wants to gut education for the country, even as everything about it is practically in a freefall.

Because 18-25 year olds are children with no concept of reality. They haven’t been kicked in the teeth nearly as often as grown-ass adults who have kids, jobs and actual responsibilities.

This!!! This is why you lost...just because a white person votes for a white canidate doesn’t mean their racist. And white rust belt and other voters are/were tired of progressives telling them if they didn’t vote or think a certain way they were racist, sexist, etc.

This has nothing to do with Pell Grant. This has to do with K through 12. And I kind of agree, gut the damn thing and get rid of all these shitty teachers.

Yeah, but that’s how the 18-25 demographic always votes. They voted for Bill Clinton that way too. Now they’re 42-49 and their votes are much more split/skew republican in most places.

This is what I do not get from my liberal Americans.

As repugnant as he is, threatening violence, especially murder is not a reasonable response.