
I honestly hate that people think cars have to fall into one category or another. as if miatas have to have rollbars and tiny wheels added to be fun. if this was a 53 ford truck bagged and with visible body rust and other patina around you would probably like it. He is doing something different yes even for

Basically, just stop trying to impress people. Buy the car you want and be happy with the car you have.

Your reply should be required reading for all the college agers. The first amendment protects free speech, NOT one’s ability to not be offended.

As a 29 year old millennial, I can’t abide apologist pussies in my generation. Political incorrectness is covered in free speech, the most important right that we have. Safe spaces and trigger warnings are merely accepted terms for censorship.

as a 33 year old millenial ... no they are not, they are dumb and turning our generation into a bunch of whiney bitches. see above.

I’m just over here in my flannel and Doc Martens humming Heart Shaped Box.

But that is the rub. One person’s politically incorrect speech is another person’s civil rights. Homosexuals were being politically incorrect when looking for civil rights. Should we have shut down their voices?

1) People need to stop thinking housing is an investment. It can be, but it should primarily be a place to live.

The engineer in me is WOW

Three unless you count kanji, in which case it’s two. But I think you misunderstood the intent of my post.

I totally get your beef. People are obnoxious and use their car as a magic armor to pull off shit they wouldn’t do if they were walking for fear of getting stomped on.

Until that 80 ton tractor is in your back seat... then it’s REALLY your problem. Look, its simple physics - a heavier load takes more force and more space to stop. Lots of morons think 1 car length plenty of stopping space for cars going 50+ mph (SPOILER ALERT! They’re very, very wrong!). These same idiots don’t

Who cares, traffic is going to happen regardless of the zipper merge or not. No one uses it anyway.

my only regret is that i have but one star to give.

Or.... they just like driving them. It could possibly be that. Who knows. How many of us buy anything strictly according to need. I doubt you do.

So long as you can also make peace with the ramifications, whatever they may be, of your vote. I don’t believe that a vote is only a vote for a candidate. There is always an opportunity cost in every decision we make, and voting is no different. If someone is okay with a vote for 3rd party, knowing that perhaps in

exactly. i’ve decided to either vote for an independent, or the cat in the hat.

The lack of Fred does make it easy to overlook that point…

Please go spew your political rhetoric on the other Gawker pages. This is an auto enthusiast site. If we wanted to read media bias, we see the links to the left.