
Please enlighten me then. We are having two conversations where you cannot produce anything to support your opinion.

When making a positive assertion— “the situation was X” (the categorical absence of the thing in this case is the assertion, you said “never”), it would be customary to provide evidence of this assertion. You continue to provide none. Show me a graph, an article, a url... share an experience! Something whereby you

I would like to see your data on how (quote) “we never did before the federal government “interfered””. This is a contestable assertion, and I contest it. Prove it.

Sure, it predates him... But so what? You’re intending to complacently stand by while the machine crushes the rest of us. Your intended actions aptly fit the term.

Thanks for your response.. TMI really, just a turn of phrase.

Actually, private education has existed for thousands of years, exists now, and will continue into the future. Simply because there is a demand for it.

Some benefit to this may be that YOU will have the barriers to YOUR profitability removed.

It is. You also have a right to call him a bigot and get on with your life.

Excellent video! (buy this man a beer)

I had hopes for you....

Yup, break the union. Allow shitty teachers to be fired.

While our sentiments diverge, I wholeheartedly agree with you in that VIOLENCE IS NEVER THE ANSWER.

Spoken like a Marxian “useful idiot”.

The market without manipulation from the FED (which creates these boom/bust cycles) will manage itself.

Individuals make choices for themselves.... Including party members, even if the Dems expect you to fall in line.

Yay!! Militant statism!!!

Good finds.

Being able to keep what you have created for yourself while serving a public office is a bad thing?

Dare I say it? I dare....