
So it’s OK for the Dems to work with unions but not the Repubs... Right, that makes sense.

Sooooo....... Rioting is considered an adult behavior? Who cares why... your ends do not justify your means. Grow up people, act like adults.


This one’s easy.

I made no claim about his political leanings, merely crediting Orwell with the creation of a very effective term. In fact, another whom I admire for his ability to speak the truth is Ludwig Von Mises (who also leaned towards a democratic social order).

Ah, you owe some to Orwell. Doublespeak motherfucker.... do you speak it?

Look, I’m anti-state largely.... any state, any party. Of course power gets abused when it becomes too centralized. Be it Venezuela, be it Soviet Russia, be it our war commission setting up camps on Whidbey Island in the 1940's. Yes, I know about this and it’s heinous, morally repugnant and wrong.

Oh, and thanks for the warm fucking wishes. Fuck you too. :D

Last I checked, 1.2% of anything is very little. Before you claim that all of America is with you... It is a fallacy to attest that just because someone votes a certain way, they endorse the entirety of that cadidate’s position.

I put it to you again. YOU are racist.

And how pray tell, is your position not agist and racist?

Are you a citizen? You will not be deported, you have rights.

I’m just going to call you racist. How do you like me now?

Racist son of a bitch. (Oh, sorry, I never met your mom. It would be more appropriate to leave her out of this. Unless of course she’s racist too.)

Fuck YOU.


Or Balkan! I agree with your point, but careful with looking at the world through the American lense...

Spoken like a true statist.

You too, since you and Gamebuff3 seem to be in agreement.

Ah... so who’s racist here? Shouldn’t it be “racist people” not “white racist people”?