
Gyeongbukgung—noooooo!!! Oh wait.... it’s just “shooped ‘splosions” that make a Bay flick look awesome.

“THIS HURTS YOU” - Harbinger Clinton

“Between Inquisition and ME3, I’m losing faith in EA’s ability to tell a decent story. But if the gameplay is as solid as ME2/3, I’ll still go along for the ride.”

Fixed ;)

What station was this at? Guess I just missed it ><

The scary part is these aren’t even the “freaky” ones. If you’re so inclined, google image search “animal facial masks”. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

I was thinking this exact same thing lol

These are pretty damn sweet. Really liking the look of bats and spidey.

... and CATS! wait— what??

The moment when you realize Pikachu is also Roy Mustang and Rufus Shinra...

Not to sound like a broken record, but Heroes Season 2 was what broke the franchise. The whole “virus” arc that was changed due to the writer’s strike ultimately dug its own grave

Nice to see Harbinger hasn’t gone missed.

Approving your comment, if only for your awesome HUNTER name ;)

Anyone else miss Avengers Alliance Tactics? In my opinion that was the superior version of this game...

Right here! Join my alliance!

One thing that’s definitely noteworthy about this game is how it goes in direct opposition to the “hair-realism” trend, and yet manages to make Trump’s hair look better in a video game than it does in reality.

“I had to become someone else — I had to become something— whoops wrong series.”

Always enjoy your videos Mr. Fahey. Of note in this one I liked “Then Square Enix will show up and offer Final Fantasy I for 20 bucks — and that’ll be great”

This reminds me of those college instructor/professor surveys that say things like “Overall the quality of the course was excellent: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.” So if you disagree, you’re not saying the course sucks, just that it wasn’t excellent??

Genius, that’s all I have to say to this.

It still amazes me a little when I hear that people actually sleep in bed with shoes on (and no I don’t mean “indoor shoes/slippers”, these are shoes that have been outside)... why, just... why????