
Don’t forget your umbrella!

Very nice analysis! I completely agree about the nuances can be lost through the formal/informal forms of Japanese that aren’t so clear in English.

Except... wasn’t the BvS Wonder Woman figure delayed into oblivion? I think it was supposed to release last year... and now has a street date of June/July 2017... rip people that preordered.

If you’re in Korea, probably both... no.. definitely both.

This is what happens when you move it from Bioware Edmonton, where it belongs!!! I kid, hopefully no one was let go.

Mr. Spencer, thank you for writing this article. I am a speech-language pathologist and cannot emphasize how important all of those skills you had mentioned are for everyday life (even though we often take our cognitive abilities for granted).

*clap clap*

Good guy Blizzard, doing it right.

Am I the only one that appreciates this kind of story that might otherwise seem “outrageous” to some? What I mean is, as I’m sure some posters have already mentioned, a mom is trying to clean out her house, and then the son gets upset for what she’s done, and she subsequently apologizes. That kind of story is almost

Not sure if real or fake... but inclined to think real... ‘cause... REASONS.

IT’S TIME TO TAKE EAR—- whoops.. I guess we’re now taking someone else’s “earth”... wait does that make us the reapers?!

Kudos to the devs for this easter egg. </3 Legion.... noooooooooooo

This will probably be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t necessarily have a problem with this. Businesses run out of homes (depending on your state laws and federal laws) require you to have different rules like having separate rooms (obviously as Chandler would know) and if you’re using YouTube as a primary source of

Pretty much this. Cards against humanity IMO is just an adult Apples to Apples...

I think Z Gundam should’ve been on this list too... I mean... so sad...

Is the expectation “Japanese style” as in, you’re supposed to finish the broth as well?

Speaking of which, there’s apparently a Day One 7GB patch.... some have guessed that’s part of the patch, but I don’t think it’s been confirmed...

Am I the only person hoping for more detailed info on the Season Pass before actually committing to it?

Totally awesome trainwreck?

Just started my own channel a few weeks ago... the depressing part sounds right to me! hah..

This is awesome, shame the anime and live-action didn’t last (or rather, didn’t follow the manga).