Back in the mid to late-90’s, Naomi Chiba expressed her die-hard Nintendo fan love in the pages of Nintendo Power mag…
Back in the mid to late-90’s, Naomi Chiba expressed her die-hard Nintendo fan love in the pages of Nintendo Power mag…
They should also take away your achievements and give them to a player with a white character who didn’t earn them.
In response to the recent controversy, CJayride began a recent stream with an apology for his littering, saying that it was part of his on-stream “character,” who mostly just talks about littering as “satire” of Taiwan’s public trash disposal infrastructure, which he finds lacking.
Oh shut the fuck up.
This is the greatest thing ever.
I feel a bit sorry for the mother, sounds like she was just trying to clean up her place.
You say ‘Wrex’ back, right?
You say ‘Wrex’ back, right?
I have a quality winter N7 jacket, I’m consistently surprised at the random places a random person will nod at me and say, “Shepherd.”
I have a quality winter N7 jacket, I’m consistently surprised at the random places a random person will nod at me…
Jesus, just watching that video gave me a serious urge to replay the entire series. It’s been nearly 5 years...
Fun Fact: Years before Cards Against Humanity were a thing, a group of friends and I whited-out the words on Apples to Apples cards and created cards with the filthiest, most offensive and hilarious stuff we could come up with. We still play it and tried to match the new filthy words with the original quotes on teh…
I have only this to add.
Earlier this year, the game YouTuber’s Life made the rounds through, well, YouTube. By the time Pewdiepie played the…
Fans of Gantz will know all about this compressed energy handgun. Now, they can own one.
Look, let’s just say, hypothetically, that during the long dark winter you get jumped by some magic zombies. And you…
I know “WOOKIMART” is Woo Kim Art but I can’t help reading it as WookieMart and wondering about where Chewy gets his groceries.