Another question for the Funbag - is there a charitable way to interpret what seems like crossing a picket line to post this today?
Another question for the Funbag - is there a charitable way to interpret what seems like crossing a picket line to post this today?
Take your red star.
If they wanted to historically accurate re-enactors, they would have had the Soviet team on the field instead of the British.
The reason it was a one score game was because the Texans missed a FG. Technically you could also point at the missed extra point, but that required them to do the 2-pt conversion. There’s always a huge single play that can be pointed at. Yeah, it probably mattered, but it wasn’t the deciding factor for that game.…
so many Americans are taught from a young age that Taiwan is its own country, that Hong Kong, Macau and Tibet should split off
Tom - This is great and all, but can you post videos of Arsenal fan reactions to that goal?
Last night was a primo example of why I need to move back to the West Coast. I miss 10am football, being able to watch ALL sports, and not being a sack of shit the next day
This is one barrel fire away from Jim Tomsula right here.
This could have been an absolutely brutal stretch for Tottenham Hotspur, after suffering January injuries to two of…
When the line judge raised his flag to call Kane offside, that should’ve been the end of the play.
TomScoop said to himself that it was not such a hollow world, after all. He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it—namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain. If he had been a great and wise philosopher, like the…
Oakland’s not a small market, they’re cheap.
Going out of your way to drag a self-dragging place like Cleveland is one of those ethical gray areas from the bible like hunting squirrels with grenades.
When starting the year with the lowest payroll in baseball and nearly zero expectations, one would normally consider an ALDS appearance to be quite the accomplishment.
Been waiting for this story since last night. The Oakland A’s are playing some exciting baseball and Khris Davis has had an MVP caliber week.
The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!
They won that series by 100 points, man. It’s one of the most lopsided playoff series in history. The Rockets did not have their number at all.
You’re absolutely correct. We should start punishing teams for being proactive and prescient drafting. Only tanking and making an excuse for losing should be allowed (The Process). Drafting Curry 7th, Thompson 11th, Green in the second round. All players that were drafted that others could have had but didn’t pick that…
David Stern, or any commissioner, would have a hard time stopping this.
They have a great deal of leeway when it comes to blocking trades, but a free agent voluntarily turning down millions that would go in their pockets? Their would be lawsuits galore. On what authority can the league tell a player — who is abiding by…