
Of course anything is possible but I would like to point out that there is a big difference between the Patriots and the Washington football team.

If they wanted to historically accurate re-enactors, they would have had the Soviet team on the field instead of the British. 

It is just you

You could always tell when a game was out of hand when Phil put in the all-white team.

And that’s why they’re moving to the Champions league semi-final round 

There’s a difference between admit and said. Has anyone in the DNC admitted to rigging the primary? Otherwise it’s people’s opinions. Btw, Warren changed her statement:

I’m glad to hear that you’ll support whoever wins the nomination. I’d also urge you to read this article about the myth of the DNC throwing the elections.

Members of the Democratic party gave Hillary some support because she’s a Democrat who has supported the party for over fifty years. If Sanders wants the support of DNC members or other party members, he should work on supporting the party. Oh, I forgot, he’s only a member when it serves his political interests.

For me, the lack of guns made me think it was English.

Fair enough. I’d just argue that’s due to an incompetent team owner doing everything possible to discourage fan attendance than any reflection of the fans. This streak might help bring back some enthusiasm for the team.

Hey, they got 50,000 fans there on Saturday. How many did your team get this weekend?

Of course, as more and more women are seen with the Bills, the best NY football team, dating NFL players will become more socially acceptable.

My memory will be of the German goalie looking for Cho Hyun-woo to give him his jersey. A bright spot in an ugly day.

A quorum is 51 votes - I think they should just keep calling for them

Well, that’s because Republicans were filibustering all of Obama’s nominees. They’re fighting a war and we need to catch on and start playing as dirty.

I’m a cis-gendered White male and I’m terrified. Don’t make idiotic generalizations.

arrow’s theorem - look it up

It’s divine retribution for the fact that Ohio has pushed two of worst American presidents in American history, over the elector college line despite losing the popular votes.

Yup, you’re unreliable