
I think you’ve got a point there. People who are doing well in the bifurcating economy (during a period of fairly cheap gas, too) find it easy to talk themselves into platinum trim levels and vehicle classes above what they really need— and trucks and SUVs have a big effect on the average. All financed with

Her preorder didn’t go through yet. 

Nah, don’t want to pollute the atmosphere; just pump it straight into her car

I’ve often wonder why what’s considered one of the slowest cars on the road, and driven by what are supposed to be practical and progressive thinking people, are typically driven by jackwagons who can’t keep it under 85, or out of the left lane altogether. It’s like they are on quest to prove the car they bought isn’t

How would a driving test help any of this?

“You’re f—-ing up dude,” Petrozzi said according to Kennedy’s report. “I am going to own you, I am going to own your kids, I am going to take your house from you.”

I would say the big difference is how you regarded the officer.

I can relate.  I got one for a rental once and immediately felt better than everyone.

Tough, but fair.

Not if she was white. Then it will be about white privilege and arrogance. 

She seems like a jackass, but I’m not altogether sure how that’s stop her from passing a driving test. 

Judge: “I sentence you to be coal-rolled at every stoplight for six months.”

“I will own your bank account. I will own your house.”

What a fucking surprise. I can feel the smugness from my office.


How did the Aveo not make the cut?  I know it was nominated.

My father flew 757s before 9/11 happened and he got furloughed the first time.

Its starting to become apparent that both Forza games should take more than a year off. They are still hitting the big points of the games but they are letting the little things go and they are starting to add up.