
Not hating on Missouri, but it just doesn’t seem like the first place a Hyperloop should be. Not before LA/San Diego/Orange County to SF/Oakland/Silicon Valley, BosWash, the Texas Triangle, just to name a few. I know those are all significantly longer, but still.


EVERYONE has missed the “nail in the coffin”.. ROAD CROSSINGS. This thing will have to either be 20ft in the air or under ground, or it will need hundreds of bridges for every road that goes thru I70..

They aren’t a “step closer”, because it will literally never happen. It is a scam.

Those look fun to clean.

Wow!  This cop is lucky to be alive.  Usually train vs. automobile accidents end up with the motorists remains being scooped up with a shovel.

Clearly the train’s fault for not yielding to an emergency vehicle.

“Your Tax Dollars At Work”

Never own a German car that’s older than you were in third grade.

You can polish a TRD, but it’s still a TRD. 

There is ALWAYS an excuse. “If this car was $10k cheaper!” “If it had option X or more power!” “It weighs too much!”

Remind me what relationship Genesis has to Nissan. 

Jalopnik commenters: “If automakers would just offer more manuals, they’d see that people are willing to buy these cars!”

Ya, no kidding.

Never trust a man with financial accounting who can’t calculate his own daily caloric needs and intake.

One of my old bosses was 6'3" or so and he said the same thing about it being awkward. He preferred women who were at least 5'10". You’d think the women would feel it to be awkward, too, but [throws up hands] I don’t know. To each their own, but it’s strange it’s such a common thing. Luckily for my short sister, she

It does seem like Elon needs to do a bit of belt-tightening across the board.

True. That guy has no impulse control.

The difference between a 2019 and a 2009 is the check engine light isn't on. 

The height thing is weird. I’d hear and see that all the time from women that they wanted 6' or taller (I’m on the line) and I always thought of the great guys I knew who were shorter than me. OK, maybe if the woman is tall, I guess I could understand that, but plenty of women who were maybe 5' in heels would say this