Kent Allard

TIL that there are folks out there with lives so empty, pitiful, and pathetic that they are - proudly - “spite-fans”.

How on earth is this dipshit still a thing. Or ever a thing for that matter.

I’m not a lawyer either but work in M&A and the fact that they didn’t have a partnership agreement that gave each partner first right of refusal if one wanted to sell is almost comically amateurish. I’ve literally never seen that, including among family members.  You lay that shit out while everyone is getting along

I mean, Google is right there. Lots of discussion of his behavior on his previous job, along with the false narrative he tried to push after he was fired.

It was a big story that he was fired from The Witcher for horribly abusive behavior, after a warning to cut it out. That’s a pretty big piece of the puzzle to leave out of the article.

He was fired from The Witcher for abusive behavior.

It hasn’t been a secret that he’s something of an asshole and difficult to work with, but it seems like something acutely bad happened.

I personally think the truth is somewhere in between: As he was finishing the typescript of Dune in 1963, he no doubt had ideas for where the story could go, which he probably jotted down. He seems to have felt pretty confident that he had a hit on his hands, so he may very well have been thinking of sequels already

It works. Through Chani’s eyes, we see Paul for who he truly is: a man as power-hungry as the rest of them.

Dammit, Larry! RIP Mr. Lewis.

Damn in last week’s eo he was talking about leaving Larry in his will... Just in hopes that Larry would leave him in his own will. Larry vowed to outlive Richard. First Super Dave now Richard Lewis. Damn.

Seriously, I’m good with E Moss just kinda fading away. 

Oh right...!...she’s one of those!

I forget who commented this, but I love it:

Yes, Moss’s take on an abusive religious cult was excellent. Why, its almost she’s a member of one in real life!

THAT’S your headline, AVClub???  I mean, “Lift ‘The Veil’.” was RIGHT THERE. 

I completely relate to what you are saying about something that seems petty or small potatoes that helps finally push you to get therapy. In my case, it was hearing stories about my sister’s soon to be mother in law. The stories gave me full on PTSD flashbacks to my childhood. I could no longer deny that I had serious

I remember for a while he was doing an X-Files rewatchalong podcast (The X-files Files) that was pretty interesting. He was doing a lot of work on it (going back to early-90's FidoNet message boards to see what fans were saying at the time, among other things), and then just shut it down in a fit of self-pity because

Yeah, he’s always struck me as the kind of dude who lashes out angrily when he’s hurt. I imagine he could have benefitted from therapy even before this triggering event.

But I sympathize. The thing that finally got me into therapy was equally petty and insignificant, but it was only the latest in a long, long line of

Before Eternals, Kumail was already known (at least among comedy fans) to be a hugely volatile guy who would get really upset with other people (usually other comics) comics in very public ways (like during live podcast tapings, etc.) with it only about 15% being a bit. He’s a guy whose always had trouble staying