Kent Allard

Google “Kumail cheating on his wife” and you’ll see why he’s still pretending to have a relationship with Emily Gordon while frequently cheating on her. If his career wasn’t legitimzed by a movie about their relationship (The Big Sick), then they would have split already.

Well said... it will be interesting to see how DV manages to reunite Chani and Paul in the third film. The change is almost certainly for the better, and DV has proven that he plans carefully from film to film. I’ve read some complaints that the change to Chani’s character is pandering to female audiences with a “girl

They were absolutely not written at the same time. Dune was originally a serialized story in Analog magazine under the title Dune World and Prophet of Dune. Even then, major changes were made when Herbert combined the serialized works into the novel.

Remember when Jay Z and Beyonce sued a family catering business out of existence for being named “Blue Ivy”, a name that pre-existed their attempt to force another nepo baby into public media?

Who wants to lay odds on the likelihood that David O. Russell’s erratic behvaior does not mix well with Selena Gomez’s “good enough” approach to everything?

They left it on a cliffhanger!

Why is she acting like she’s old war buddies with Maya Rudolph, who left the show 5 years before McKinnon joined the cast?

Absolutely! Once again, I’m not dissappointed by how wrong the AV Club gets their grade for an episode of SNL.

Downey Jr. commenting on Ruffalo’s looks raises an interesting issue.

At this point, I come to the AVC review to see how far off their grade is from my living room’s consensus view. Surpisingly great show... tepid review. Unwatchable show (as with Emma Stone tonight)... strong review.

Agreed. There are a lot of valid reasons to criticize Musk, but his worst behavior seems to stem from his outsized response to others.

Years ago, when Musk was more famous as an entrepreneur than an Internet troll, he did receive a lot of criticism that seemed politically or financially motivated. The best example that

I guess he wasn’t interested in my suggestion that he host the Comedy Central Roast of Vladimir Putin: Live from Moscow.

You nailed it!

Lorne Michaels has done so much good for comedy, but shoving Jimmy Fallon down our collective throats was a collosal misstep.

Yeah... I wish him well, but it’s wildly hypocritical to continue making public statements, while insisting on privacy.

Yeah... this change makes no sense to me. Recommendations increase the amount of time on the site and the number of ads served. It’s targeted and effective advertising for YouTube’s product, which is advertising.

If they actually wanted to correct course and save the show, they would ressurect Colin Quinn.

No mention that Matt Draper just did a 25-minute YouTube video on this specific premise?


A JLA Intl. collection would be fun!