
Re: Drug Use

Billions in government contracts’

Musk will never get to Mars.

Let’s not forget that she was Lady Penelope Peasoup of Londinium on the 60s Batman TV show!

It wasn’t widely seen, but she was the snobby mother-in-law in The Ref, and she was wonderful in it.  Rest in peace, Ms. Johns.

Not to scale though...

I won’t hold my breath that anything of real consequence will happen 

Don’t call them idiots. The word “idiots” implies what happened was accidental. These people are criminals, plain and simple.

because of FREEDOM, thats why

christopher nolan SEEMS like a smart guy because he says everything in a british accent. my friend interviewed him once and in the moment he was like ‘wow! how insghtful’ but when he had to transcribe it later he was like ‘this is nonsense’.

This made me cry. Not only were the Smothers Brothers extremely funny, they had principles and weren’t afraid to stand up for them. Dick wisely let his brother set the tone. Tom played stupid on screen but was a true genius behind the scenes.

“I’ve always believed Watchmen was ahead of its time,” he said. “The idea of a superhero team, which it so brilliantly subverts”

I forget, how did he get “shortchanged” by Tenet? He got the in theaters release way too early in the pandemic that he wanted. If cinema wasn’t saved by his brilliant work then it’s more on him than on WB.

MAX has destroyed the HBO brand by mixing peak TV, which they’re excellent at, with “reality” programming dreck - which seems to be an unending undulating mass of sewage flooding all streamers. Diluting of the HBO brand with MAX doesn’t add “class” to such programming - it drags the whole ship down into the morass of

Shouldn’t we feel shortchanged by Tenet?

When you watch a Zack Snyder film, you see and feels his love for the potential of cinema. The potential of it to be fantastical, to be heightened in its reality, but to move you and to excite you.”

“Snyder helped establish the template for comic book movies as they evolved from summertime popcorn fare into ubiquitous year-round spectacles”

To me, this is even weirder than when we learned that Spielberg liked Michael Bay. So much of what Zach Snyder does looks like what Nolan is purposefully avoiding to do.

“Or maybe Snyder is just a nice, cool guy and the people who know him have a lot of respect for him, and we should be less snarky about him and everything he does? Maybe that can be our resolution for 2024.”

TL;DR? Let me make it simple. “I’m special and the rules don’t apply because I found a term that makes me sound special "