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I’ll always remember the scene from The Wire where Bunk and McNulty go over an old crime and their entire dialogue is just variations of the word “fuck.”

Money laundering from illegal sources? I’d love to see what the distribution center’s mailing labels look like, assuming they send product period?!

All the Jan 6's with the Trumped up kicks better run, better run faster than the Justice Department.

“Sneaker con” is a little on the nose, don’t you think?

Between the disclaimer (“The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product”) and the images, I’m betting that right no no one is making those shoes.

Rebranded Yeezy Sneakers with Yeezy scratched out and Trump written in Sharpie.

I’m curious who makes the shoes. If they are rebranding or Donald did hire a Chinese company to make them.

This move has a real “My Pillow” vibe to it. Sneaker “con” indeed.

Really putting the “con” in “Sneaker Con.”

Would happily let them be if they let us be.

Christians want so badly to be persecuted—no need to help them out. 

At a corporate roundtable this minute:

I bet she was more sympathetic.

I like the comparison as a “real life Stormfront”, with the addition of her having failed miserably in even that miserable role.

So Kelly talks shit, and Moriarty’s the one who has to leave, because Kelly is basically a real life Stormfront (in that Kelly doesn’t have “fans” so much as she has “an army”) that will make social media unbearable for Moriarty.

I know it is tempting to accuse Megyn Kelly (that’s “Megyn” spelled with a “y” because of course it is) of having surgeries that alter her natural appearance. I would like to point out, however, that nothing was ever natural about Megyn-with-a-“y” as she emerged fully formed from a vat labeled “conservative blonde

“I got them talking about me again! It isn’t over yet!” — Mygyn Kylly

Meghan Kelly has no room to talk about getting work done.

More than a distraction - a liability. Why the government continues to give billions in contracts to a known drug user--when they wouldn’t hire a user to do so much as take out the trash at any government building--is confounding.