
If you have to lie to make your point, you don’t have a point.

You’re right, your picture is better.

I have *zero* interest in a sequel to Smile after that ending. What was an interesting take on grief and how it manifests turned in to a typical unkillable Hollywood monster.

Better than expected but I had looooow expectations so that’s not necessarily a recommendation to watch it.

I used to go to lots of concerts in my youth. It’s insane that there is absolutely no way in hell I’d be able to do that now.

In the immortal words of Frank Zappa: “Save your money; don’t go to the show”.

Oh that’s easy -- Ticketmaster is the same company that owns or operates many of the venues. So they have a lot of leverage when it comes to big tours.

Our government unsurprisingly failed to stop Ticketmaster from creating a monopoly when they merged with (purchased) LiveNation. Live Nation was on the venue side owning and/or operating countless venues around the country and acting as a tour production company. So yeah, basically you can’t get tickets to much

Now playing

In many US markets there is no other platform as Ticketmaster has bought them out. They leave the old name to give the illusion of choice, but there really is only one place to go and that’s through them.

Neither is the Paternoster Gang, while we’re here 

A Trump business venture involved in shady dealings? A shocking and unheard of development!

Well, oil companies get this amount in corporate welfare every year, so I dont see the problem.

Cue right-wingers cries of “woke agenda” when we could be using that money to drill for oil or to throw at the military for anything they want (as long as it is weapons-based, or contractor-based... not helping veterans based).

It’s happened to me to the point that I sat down in the car before I noticed, but I don’t think I tried to start it. But two people who keep their car clean with the same model? Not only is it possible, it happened.

Netflix had better watch out, they’ve just upset Rosa Diaz.

Maybe drop some of your needs, spoiled twat.

Me. That’s my answer. I do ot want to see that. This seems like one of the smarter decisions Netflix has made recently. You don’t need that much money to create pleasing but banal production design. I’m sure most of the budget is for above- the-line acting contracts, though. But in the age of Tyler Perry and shitty

This article is stretching hard to make me care about a rich lady and her grotesquely lavish surrounds but I guess it’s cos I’m eating a sandwich in my kitchen/dining/lounge room but I can’t really seem to feel sad for her.

Think they are trying to get free publicity from Tucker Carlson and Fox “news”?

I guess they know that reference of “Eat a Bag of D!ks” !