
Maybe Zack Snyder can get some studio to buy up the Halloween franchise rights so that he can re-imagine it and kill off Laurie Strode in the first a joke.

Yeah, I’d watch Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer read the dictionary but that last episode was kind of like the writers couldn’t figure out how to end it so they decided “Let’s just suddenly kill Villanelle and fade to black. Done and done!”

Agree with most everything you said. For me the biggest problem with Dan Levy’s character was that everytime he was on screen, I thought “Oh, look, it’s David Rose!” and was immediately taken out of the narrative. Perhaps they should have cast some less immediately identifiable actor for Malloy.

So, $139/yr for what basically would amount to Freevee with a few added original content programs? Cheap at twice the price!

Meanwhile, the same DC people have been pushing for enhanced security for members of Congress.

Big time agents need to get their piece of a future has-been before his 15 minutes expire.

Cool. Now I can plan on cancelling my Max subscription sometime around the end of November.

So says a multi-billionaire head of a global media empire. He’s just looking out for the downtrodden little guys, like himself

Don’t give him ideas.

All the cool kids are flat earthers now.

He was merely doing undercover research for his next big-screen expose.

Well, you can tell them but they don’t have to listen...or subscribe.

With season four of Harley Quinn just finished, Minx sold off and The Nevers cancelled, I’m just holding on for the back half of Doom Patrol, season four. After that, I’m out. Max hasn’t really added anything truly worthwhile since the merger that’s worth the $16/month (with the possible exception of My Adventures

This calls for a deep-dive Congressional investigation into why Freedom Caucus members are being singled out for persecution!

And a model! You wouldn’t know her.

I just rewatched Midnight Club and, you’re right, it’s just OK. I do love, however, how Flanagan crammed 21 jump-scares (17 within 60 seconds) into Episode 1 as a joke to address Netflix execs whining about his lack of them.

From the trailer, it looks like there’s more intentional humor and chewing of scenery than we’ve come to expect from a Flanagan project. I’m ready for it!

Colin Firth and Ruth Gemmell?

Oh! THAT’s where I left those.

Cue the righteous indignation and calls for legislation from the same people who were aghast and outraged by the non-issue of human cloning about a decade ago.