
Rush’s Red Barchetta has gotten me very close to speeding tickets more than once. My gas pedal foot gets extrememly heavy once the main riff kicks in.

Angry” sounds like a bad B-side or contractural obligation album filler. The fact that it kicks off the new album doesn’t bode well.

Sounds like a character name from a YA fantasy/sci-fi novel.

Of course it wasn’t a legit office exorcism. If it were, Matt Schlapp’s head might have spun around and then he’d possibly have burst into flame. Best not take the chance and go with a “show” rite to impress the peons.

Replacement hip, hooray.

Not surprised. I loved the series but it had to be extremely expensive to produce and with the current round of cost cutting measures in streaming it kind of had a target on its back.

Rumored by the voices in his head.

So, Galt’s Gulch?

And still no word on the back half of Doom Patrol, Season 4.

You could tell that the dialogue on some scenes on Days with Sorkin, de Lancie and Leann Hunley were definitely “off-book”. Hunley often times had difficulty keeping up.

My mother was an avid viewer of Days of Our Lives and I remember saying something like “Holy shit! That’s Calliope!” when the words “Mistah J” came out of Harley’s mouth when she first appeared on BTAS.

Different Christopher Lloyd.

No one has ever seen anything like it!

That’s Former President Inmate P01135809.

It really is a visual depiction of his anger, fear and humiliation all in one photo.

He’s just using the data supplied by Day Drinkin’ Ronnie Jackson when he was Physician to the President. Remember, that Jackson also said that Trump was probably immortal.

Should have saved or invested some of that sweet, sweet Hercules money, Kev. Blaming your lack of high-profile work on being “cancelled” for your faith is about as valid an argument as saying that no one will hire you because you’re from Minnesota.

See also: Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana. When he switched parties from Democrat to Republican, he suddenly acquired a thick Foghorn Leghorn/good-ol’-boy accent to seem more “authentic” to the lowest common denominator. You know, the whole “Aahm jus’ a simple country lawya...” routine.

I thought it was a reimagining of Turner and Hootch.

She left out something about Satan worshipping pedophiles...on Fentanyl.