Ken Yadiggit

Yep. He was a firefighter in VS and went to help at 9/11 site for weeks after and fought for first responder assistance. He’s a good guy, low key and smart. Watch Trees Lounge. That was the bar by him, our bar southside was The Railroad. It’s so so Long Island to a tee. He also lived round the block from my sister in

Listen, lady, you should be impressed by the fact that I thought this was important enough to wear pants, period.

And if you bring something dead back to life, that’s . . .

Haven’t we learned our lesson about trying to stop an unwanted blob of zygotes half way?

You know, though it probably will never happen, it would be awesome if every guy in the school showed up to graduation in heels and a wig.

DJT, rocking a traditionally feminine polo.

Sometimes I miss the days when body shaming was frowned upon here. It doesn’t personally offend me, but it’s kind of tiresome to click on a story about someone that is completely unrelated to their appearance, and the top 10 comments are variations on “I don’t like his/her face/hair/body” or “I don’t find him/her

You spelled “ponies” incorrectly. Certainly nobody would include a flower with the word “peon” in its name for a royal wedding.

“No, that’s my emotional support bacon.”

I HATE live music in bars because it usually sucks.

It’s acceptable if they’re playing your jam, but even then, only if you first loudly proclaim, “Aww shit, this is my JAM!”

Hey, remember when Chris Brown almost killed Rihanna, and everyone just forgot about it, like it never happened? That’s weird to me.

“Sacrafice your heroes on the altar of a better tomorrow.”

I would get so paranoid too, which is why I’m glad I have a Mirena and just get like a mini tiny version of a period. I have just enough of a half-cramp and spotting to let me know it tried to be a period. Then on the occasional time that it just skips a month I get super paranoid and take 3 pregnancy tests. You never


Ahahahaha! Milestones. Right up there with Earls and whatever that third interchangeable faux fine dining chain is called.

It was an anti-lynching song, though, right? I feel like that makes it a bit more palatable, but that’s a YMMV thing.

come out to the west coast, we generally have no idea what day it is, so we’re always nice.