My family thinks I’m insane, but I LOVE James Stewart’s voice even though it’s kinda goofy and I could listen to him all day. So I’d probably pick Jimmy to talk to via Alexa/Siri.,
My family thinks I’m insane, but I LOVE James Stewart’s voice even though it’s kinda goofy and I could listen to him all day. So I’d probably pick Jimmy to talk to via Alexa/Siri.,
I SOBBED during that episode, it was so beautiful and wonderful and heartbreaking and hopeful all at once.
Do you have a picture of the fan art? I’d love to see!
I imagine they are trying to compensate her in other ways too. It’s not even likely that shes living in a place that was not provided by them, with people to help her day in and day out, personal chefs, doctors etc. Plus they’re footing the medical bills NO DOUBT.
I regularly still use the phrase “ugh, gag me with a spoon”
I remember watching Fast Times and it was the first film I saw that had actual boobs in it. It also happened to be at this scene and my mother walked in on me watching it and FREAKED out.
So as much as I appreciate the hell out of Phoebe Cates breasts, I really wish the cat had scome on screen in instead in that…
My bff is a Radiohead nutcase and would argue that The Bends is the least-good (because there is no such thing as a bad Radiohead record). Oddly enough, The Bends is one of my favourites.
Can I come? That sounds like the best party.
what a fucking garbage human being. I’m proud of you for going through with it, even show up was brave as fuuuuck
this is fucking perfect and I almost spit wine out while reading it.
I actually kinda enjoyed Gigli. Like, in the worst way possible.
you sound fun
We also allow plaid flannel.
I didn’t know I wanted this until now
I was waiting and you delivered. Thank you.
My friends and I still use RAHN STAHP YER TRAHMAHTIZIN MEH on the regular as well.
Mourning the loss of an important friendship, whether it be a year later or several, is never self-absorbed. You deserve to mourn that.
One of my gradeschool bullies apologized to me when we were much, much older. It was actually really nice, she acknowledged that she hurt me and that she was an awful person for what she said, and she hopes I could forgive her because she’s learned to be a better person. It was nice to let go of that residual anger…