No shit. Bullet DODGED my friend.
No shit. Bullet DODGED my friend.
You’re lucky to have had such a good dog in your life. I hope she is not in much pain, and I know that you’ll make the right decision for her when the time comes because you love her so.
There’s not much to say because god, is this a painful situation. But keep her in your heart and be glad for the companion you had…
The whole weight-loss craze was insanely triggering for me, and I didn’t even realize til after I had normalized my eating habits.
I had gained a lot of weight after I was sick, and decided to do Weight Watchers with my mother. Something so mainstream and socially accepted MUST be better than my ED, right?
I had to quit…
“I feel like it almost implies that, if you’re not below your healthy BMI range, you’re not really that sick”
THIS. This is also multi-faceted. Thinking of how I struggled with disordered eating even after I had gained the weight back....thinking of how I was so depressed but still getting straight A’s and maintaining…
There’s not much I can say as I am still struggling myself after years of not actively having disordered eating, but I’m sending you all the good vibes and support if that means anything (I know it doesn’t.)
It can be overcome, that’s the postive thing. It can be done. And you can do it. The rest is up to you, and I…
I know this doesn’t even come close to fixing the things that happen, because the things that happen are life and death situations, quality of life situations, and historically altering situations. But there are so many people who are willing to protect you and your rights and I hope that it brings even an iota of…
Amen, sister. I mean....Catholics are still crazy but at least we didn’t have Guilt Magazine or something.
jesus christ these people have more money than I can even mentally comprehend and this asshole can’t even get a DECENT HAIRCUT.
I dont even care I love everything about this
I feel like we would be friends
If you didn’t ruin it with a choker and chunky heels in 1999 I would have been VERY disappointed in you.
Because my mother wouldn’t let me wear an ACTUAL tuxedo to prom, I had to make due with a $40 black and white dress from Sears with a Bow-Tie choker (that she graciously made for me). Immediately commencing the school sanctioned part of Prom, I changed into a tuxedo shirt, jeans, and combat boots and proceeded to get…
I’ve never heard of him, though I might take a listen out of curiosity....but the fact that these kids were so positive and happy and had nothing but genuinely nice things to day about why they liked Lil Yachty made me really...happy. Like, glow from my toes happy. I’m happy they have this.
But surely you understand that music and figures in pop culture bring people joy, yes? It just so happens these people are teenagers. It’s really not that diffuclt.
I won a donut on roll-up the other day.
jk. I never win roll-up.
This is adorable.
So like...don’t be a dick?
The winery I work at has a can sauv icewine. Tis red.