Ken Yadiggit

get the fuck out of my house

“ceremonial unveiling of the sphincter” is my new punk band album name

I FORGOT he was on Angel!!!

I only watch it when my mother happens to be, and I quite enjoy it....but if someone asked me who starred in the show, literally the only person I’d be able to name off-hand is Daniel. He and Park are in the exact same same number of episodes as their two white co-stars and neither of them are the “background nerdy

Everything I’ve seen Daniel in I’ve loved him, even Hawaii Five-O which I am disppointed in this news because it really was an awesome show. He’s a great actor, especially in as a regular on Lost. He deserves far better than this.

HUUURK WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT now I’ve got the heebie jeebies

oh my god I just realize how that sounded hahahahah

I meant the PARENTS bedtime. I’m imagining a sitcom scene where they’re both sitting in a big floral duvet and the wife is putting on hand lotion and the dad has striped pajama bottoms.


Home Wine Making Kit

what is this gif from!? I’m howling

Is anyone else having the issue where they can only see half of a twitter photo on any article? Also I can’t access my reccomendations/comments

How about you talk to your children like people instead of using baby talk at every turn or being fearful of exposing them to life things and maybe you won’t lose out on your nice conversations.

I remember as a kid I used to stay up and lay in the hallway outside my parents kitchen, listening to them talk and laugh. It this

I frickin love big noses. They’re so interesting and no two are exactly alike. I think they make someone look distinguished and regal.

Dude I’m a 36D and even IIII want a reduction. I can’t even imagine the discomfort at your size! Scarring is so minimal now adays, they can do wonders in surgery now. I wouldn’t be afraid, if it’s effecting you that much and you can afford it...go for it. It will change your life for the better!

I find I get serious body odour MORESO when I shave my pits, so I generally raise an eyebrow to that excuse.

Keep it up and maybe everyone will continue to believe your ruse ;) My gardens are beautiful, but it is just a cover for how much fucking laundry I haven’t done.

And congrats on yours!!

YAAAAY good!

It’s hard without experience, so my getting this job was blind luck. I suppose it depends on the area as well. Goodl uck to your partner!