Ken Yadiggit

I am the paperwork queen....even my new accountant was shocked at my preparedness. My obsessive anal-ness (snicker) has finally come in handy!

Think of every date and every bad experience as another tool in your belt. IF it ever happens again, you’ll be ready to deal with it. If you don’t try, you’ll never have that experience right? Good luck, and congrats on the raise!!!

I had a guest let their small baby smell the red wine and the look on this kids face let me know that he will NEVER try to reach for a wine glass for a long long time. Just give em a whiff, they’ll knock it off.

Unelss you have a wino baby, in which I have no advice because wine is literally my lifeline right now

PAying off debts is so fucking satisfying, I hope that works out for you. As someone who is desperately trying to find an apartment in a nnear non-existant market in my area....I hope you find a home you love soon!

I need to implement the more water advice in my life. I tried an app that reminds you to drink more water by giving you a little digital plant to take care of...every time you drink water, the plant gets watered.

I KILLED THEM ALL and all it did was bring me SUCH GUILT my poor sweet baby digital sunflowers

wtf since 2008 and you’re still grey? Congrats on being in the black my friend.

I’m glad you took your young daughter on an adventure like that, it must’ve been so satifying at the end of the day. Good on ya!

I’m drinking a real nice and easy Gamay Noir right now that I got simply because I was good at my job and sold shit real gooooood. It’s so fucking satifying hahah

for serious tho fuck those people. A wig is like, the most begning NOT EVEN A THING thing and anyone who makes a deal of it has way too much free time on their hands. I WISH I had the energy to care about something as silly as that, but I don’t soooooo get on with your bad self.

I’m sorry I kinda chuckled at the


ALL the luck to you. I feel ya on the putting yourself out there things. But honestly when it works out (WHEN, not if) it’ll be so worth everything you’ve put into it.

Yo sometimes you find out you’ve got a shitty body thing going on but honestly it’s better than NOT knowing why you feel bad, right? I just had an MRI because of debikitating migraines and vertigo, and got a sum zero result back. Nothing wrong with my noggin...which is good but...also...I wish it was like “hey this is

Thanks my dear :) I miss the Jez comments section but my absence only means I’ve been away from terrible office computer job annd onto better things, so I suppose it’s bitter sweet

I’m doing a fucktonne more graphic design than photography as of late, which is extremely surprising to me, but a welcomed surprise absolutely!

doxxing the shit out of myself
but I’m pretty proud of everything I’m producing so far. I know I have a lot fo work to do and a lot of practice to get better

I think makeup has turned into a completely different animal, especially lately. SO many of my female (and some male!) friends do their makeup to please themselves and as an expression of creativity and style. I can’t see green lipstick being something put in place to fit the ‘norms’ of societal beauty.

That being

If I HAD to get a procedure done, it would be a slight boob lift. Even at 27, massive weight gain and loss as left with me really nice ta-tas but....they’re not exactly as perky as I’d like them. And it’s not an ‘other person’ partner loves them and bras can do wonders. But finding the right bra for the

*shrug* I have an entire bookshelf of photo albums that no one but myself and close family will ever see. It’s okay to keep photos for yourself. Posting online is so fleeting to me, so selfies I post on instagram hold zero meaning to me.

The five boxes of photos my grandmother took in 1940 are priceless, and I hope

RIGHT. I’ve known plenty of narcissists. They are in no way the same as me finally feeling good enough about myself that I feel pretty enough to take a picture some days. Like, not EVEN in the same ballpark.

Narcissists have ruined aspects of my life and relationships. I just really liked my makeup yesterday

ok cool. I like taking selfies when I feel good about myself. I am a narcissist apparently.

Now what? Am I a bad person?

Did fine guy text back!?

I have a friend with alopecia and I didn’t know at first. I saw her and thought her hair was nice, so I said “Hey did you get a haircut, it looks great!” and she said in the most deadpan voice “It’s a fucking wig.”

I was horrified (at myself!) until she started laughing hysterically at my

Those are the best days though.

IF it’s as hot where you are as it is where I am, go for the MARG. Save the pinot for a nice dinner with someone you love. Even if that someone is yoself treatin yoself.