Ken Yadiggit

The whole TGIF thing always bugged me. Like, do you hate your life THAT much that 5 days of your week, ie a HUGE portion of your life, is so painful that your only reason for getting through them is to get to the weekend? I had a Mon-Fi 9-5 office job that was making me miserable so I quit that shit. Which I

Yeh I’m at that weird age (27) where I completely remember doing everything pre-internet and pre-phone. I remember getting my first cell phone about 10 years ago, and it was a little flippy thing I was SUPER stoked on buying a tie-dye sticker to customize the face for. AND IT HAD A CAMERA. AAA CAAAMMERAAAA.....



We’ve lost xoVain, now is your chance to CASHHHHTHEFUCKIN

I got a good snort laugh out of this, thank you

my teammates and I are obsessed with GLOW at the moment because it reminds us SO much of derby.

My rotti was such a big baby and loooooved attention, especially from little kids. I’d warn them to be careful though and parents often thought it was because she was a big mean dog or something....but really it’s because, as you said, she had NO idea how big she was and would have the tendency to er....become a lap

It was well made, I will give it that. And the IRL Message Board was hilarious, my favourite character ended up being Gail.

See I can’t STAND Young Adult, even though I love Charlize with all my heart. Her character just rubbed me in all the wrong ways to a point where I couldn’t enjoy it, even with suspension of disbelief.

I thought it was going to be so dumb but after a LOT of prodding from my partner I started watching the Ranch and ...welll I’m obsessed. I LOVE SAM ELLIOT with a firely passion and even though their accents lean towards horrible, I just can’t get enough of this show. It warms my heart and tickles my funny bro-ne.

Worlds worst customer questionnaire
Question 1: Have you had premarital sex?
Question 2: Have you ever been divorced?
Question 3: Chocolate or vanilla?

the only reason I’d turn them down is because of that god forsaken SHIRT.

I got a job at a fancy winery this year (I live in Ontario, which is country for Canada so we are serious about our vino) and we just released a sparkling rosé and it’s to die for. And usually I hate rosé and sparkling stuff (champagne is ew).

We’ve had a few customers come in and say they go out collect

if you like watery wine, sure.



lol good.

It’s more disappointing than anything, cause it really could have been a good show. But it just.....naw.

I was just gonna say...literally none of that sounds anything close to Joss Whedon. The man has his faults, I will wholeheartedly grant you that.

But this just sounds like REAAALLLLLY terrible fan-fiction.

this new comments system needs to die in a fire, I can’t even open to show more comments without my browser wigging out then jumping to the SUPER ANNOYING ENDLESS SCROLLING next article bit

This just made my fucking morning

Context, friend. Think about it.

One would hope she could see it, as aiming blind leads to bruised taints and tailbones.